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[英]ServiceStack 'session' missing?

new to this and trying to follow a tutorial on Pluralsight. 并尝试遵循有关Pluralsight的教程。 A simple row of code: 简单的代码行:

var trackedData = (TrackedData)Session[date.ToString()];

has Session underlined with red and I have not succeeded in getting rid of it. 用红色下划线标记了Session ,但我没有成功消除它。 When the tutor's mouse hovered over the session, following tip was displayed. 当导师的鼠标悬停在会话上时,将显示以下提示。 ServiceStack.CacheAccess.ISession Service.Session

But somehow I couldn't get it into the solution. 但是不知何故我无法将其纳入解决方案。 I have installed ServiceStack, ServiceStack.Host.MVC, ServiceStack.Host.AspNet and more. 我已经安装了ServiceStack,ServiceStack.Host.MVC,ServiceStack.Host.AspNet等。


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