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[英]Django Method of Forwarding Non-www to www?

In django I am wondering if there is a django-designed way to redirect http://www.example.com to http://example.com or the other way around http://example.com > http://www.example.com . 在django中,我想知道是否有django设计的方法将http://www.example.com重定向到http://example.com或以其他方式绕过http://example.com > http:// www .example.com

Usually one would use htaccess for this, but it should be a simple issue so I was wondering if there is a design-method to handle this? 通常,人们会为此使用htaccess,但这应该是一个简单的问题,所以我想知道是否存在一种设计方法来处理此问题?

To do that, you need to add PREPEND_WWW setting to your settings.py file. 为此,您需要将PREPEND_WWW设置添加到settings.py文件中。

PREPEND_WWW = True  # Default value is False

Django will then prepend the “www.” subdomain to URLs that don't have it. 然后,Django将在“www.”子域之前添加没有该URL的URL。 So, URLs that lack a leading “www.” will be redirected to the same URL with a leading “www.” 因此,缺少前导“www.”的URL将被重定向到带有前导“www.”的相同URL “www.”

Note: This will work only if CommonMiddleware is present in the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES settings. 注意:仅当MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES设置中存在CommonMiddleware此方法才CommonMiddleware

    'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', # must be there in middlewares

You can do it only one-way in django, with PREPEND_WWW : 您只能使用PREPEND_WWW在django中进行PREPEND_WWW

Whether to prepend the “www.” subdomain to URLs that don't have it. 是否在“ www。”子域名之前添加没有该域名的URL。 This is only used if CommonMiddleware is installed (see Middleware). 仅在安装了CommonMiddleware的情况下才使用此选项(请参阅Middleware)。 See also APPEND_SLASH. 另请参阅APPEND_SLASH。

However, you server should be configured correctly to recognize the URL and correctly route the request. 但是,应该正确配置服务器以识别URL并正确路由请求。 Otherwise you'll have issues (infinite redirects, for example). 否则,您将遇到问题(例如,无限重定向)。

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