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Laravel MySQL匹配不返回结果

[英]Laravel MySQL match against does not return results

Here is the controller : 这是控制器:

public function getSearch()
    $search = e(Input::get('name'));
    $search = preg_replace('#[^a-z A-Z 0-9 ? !]#i',' ', $search);
    $query = "MATCH (name,description) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
    $accounts = Account::whereRaw($query)->paginate(10);
    if ($accounts->count())
        return View::make('accounts.all')->with('accounts',$accounts);
        $accounts = Account::paginate(10);
        Session::flash('fail', 'Sorry, the search term - '.$search.' did not match any records');
        return View::make('accounts.all')->with('accounts',$accounts);

So the controller executes the else statement, however there are no any errors. 因此,控制器执行else语句,但是没有任何错误。

This is the row query: 这是行查询:

SELECT * FROM `accounts`  WHERE MATCH(name,description) AGAINST('search word' IN BOOLEAN MODE)


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