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[英]Combine like products on the same line item in the cart

I am having the same issue as outlined here but the solutions below do not work. 我遇到了与此处概述的相同问题,但下面的解决方案不起作用。 I do have "Commerce Product Option" enabled. 我确实启用了“商品选项”。

I also alter the price using this hook, 我也用这个钩子来改变价格,

function mectronic_get_amount_qty($price, $length) {
    //print '<pre>P ' . print_r($price, 1) . '</pre>';
    //print '<pre>L ' . print_r($length, 1) . '</pre>';

    if ($length >= 1 && $length <= 5) return $price;
    elseif ($length >= 6 && $length <= 10) return $price * (1 - 0.166666667);
    elseif ($length > 10) return $price * (1 - 0.285714286);

I have tried 我努力了

$entity->commerce_pricing_attributes[$set_id['set_id']][$field_name] = $price;

As in #4 but it does not work. 与#4一样,但它不起作用。

https://www.drupal.org/node/2056711#comment-9474069 https://www.drupal.org/node/2056711#comment-9474069

Use hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter() to unset 'commerce_pricing_attributes' property. 使用hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter()取消设置'commerce_pricing_attributes'属性。

In case, your need your line-items to be distinguished by this property. 如果您需要通过此属性区分您的订单项。 I suggest you to utilise Rules module. 我建议你使用规则模块。

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