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在js中插入html div并从中获取选择器

[英]Insert html div in js and take selector from it

I have some HTML content of dialog with button: 我有一些带有按钮的对话框的HTML内容:

<div id="dialogId" class="someClass" style="someStyle">
    <p>Some Content with buttons</p>

I need to insert it using JS and take div id as a selector for showing a UI dialog: 我需要使用JS插入它,并使用div id作为显示UI对话框的选择器:

AJS.$("#someButtonId").click(function closeWindow() {

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? Thanks. 谢谢。

$('body').append('<div id="dialogId" class="someClass" style="someStyle"><p>Some Content with buttons</p></div>');

$('dialogId').hide();//to close the dialog
//$('dialogId').show();//to show the dialog

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