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[英]Unit Test a AngularJS Directive's Controller (Karma, Chai, Mocha)

Having trouble reaching my directive's scope for a unit test. 无法达到我的指令进行单元测试的范围。 Getting generic compile errors when trying to run the unit test. 尝试运行单元测试时出现通用编译错误。

My app compiles ( gulp ) and runs fine, and I can unit test non-directive's just fine as well. 我的应用程序可以编译( gulp )并正常运行,而且我也可以对非指令的单元进行测试。 I am just not sure how to get the test's to work with a directive, I am just trying other people's solutions with some educated guesses. 我只是不确定如何使测试与指令配合使用,我只是通过一些有根据的猜测来尝试其他人的解决方案。

Main page's HTML and JS 主页的HTML和JS

<div company-modal="companyOptions" show-close="false"></div>


(function() {
    'use strict';

        .controller('companyModalCtrl', ['$scope', selectionPage]);

        function selectionPage($scope) {
            $scope.companyOptions = {};

Here is the first portion of my directive (it is very big so just including the important-top part. 这是指令的第一部分(非常大,因此只包含重要的顶部部分。

(function() {
  'use strict';


  function companyModal() {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: false,
      transclude: true,
      templateUrl: '/src/login/company.html',
      scope: {
        options: '=companyModal',
        showClose: '='
      bindToController: true,
      controller: companySelection,
      controllerAs: 'csmvm'

  companySelection.$inject = ['$state'];

  function companySelection($state) {
    var csmvm = this;
    var url;
    csmvm.emailList = [];

Here is my attempt at the Unit Test 这是我对单元测试的尝试

'use strict';

describe('Company', function () {

  var scope;
  var controller;
  var elem;

  beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $compile) {
    scope = $rootScope.$new();

    elem = angular.element('<div company-modal="companyOptions" show-close="false"></div>');
      controller = elem.controller('companyModal as csmvm');
      controller = $controller(controller, 
        $scope : scope
    controller = $controller(elem.controller('companyModal as csmvm'), {
      $scope: scope

    scope.csmvm.emailList.email = "Bob@gmail.com";


  describe('Invite', function () {
    it('should be an array for emailList', function () {



My problem (and sorry being very undescriptive) is that I just keep getting run-time errors from the test. 我的问题(很抱歉,描述性很差)是我一直在从测试中获取运行时错误。 Such as: 如:

Failed Tests: Company "before each" hook: workFn 18) the object { "message": "'undefined' is not an object (evaluating '(isArray(Type) : Type).prototype)".

And again, my app compiles (gulp) and runs fine, and I can unit test non-directive's just fine as well 再说一次,我的应用程序可以编译(运行)并运行良好,而且我也可以对非指令的单元进行测试。

You need to run expectations towards the isolated scope of your directive . 您需要对指令隔离范围抱有期望。

Right now, scope is referring to the scope where the directive was compiled . 现在, scope指的是指令编译的范围。

But your directive creates a new isolate scope, and you are not running expectations towards it. 但是您的指令创建了一个新的隔离范围,并且您对此并没有期望。

Two ways of doing it: 有两种方法:

function isolateScope (el) {
  return el.isolateScope();

/** or **/

var el, scope, isolateScope; 

beforeEach(inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
  scope = $rootScope.$new();
  el = $compile('<directive></directive>')(scope);
  isolateScope = el.isolateScope();

With all of that said, I would remove the controller out of your directive spec suite and test that in isolation. 综上所述,我将controller从您的指令规范套件中删除 ,并对其进行单独测试。 It makes for far cleaner / modular unit tests. 它可以进行更清洁/模块化的单元测试。 Try to break them up as best you can. 尽力将它们分解。

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