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[英]Comparing consequent strings in Python

Right now I have a string array and I want to loop through the string array and compare the value at one index with the value at the next index. 现在我有一个字符串数组,我想遍历该字符串数组,并将一个索引处的值与下一个索引处的值进行比较。 For example, if I was doing this in Java, the code would be something like this: 例如,如果我使用Java编写代码,则代码将如下所示:

string[] some = ["IP", "IP", "ADDRESS", "2342.42.2", "IP", "ASDF"];
for (int i = 0 ; i < some.length() ; i++)
    if (some[i] == "IP" && some[i+1] == "ADDRESS")
        int ipaddress = some[i+2];

I know that Python is a bit different, but basically I am trying to find the first IP ADDRESS. 我知道Python有点不同,但是基本上我正在尝试找到第一个IP地址。 How can I compare the current element and the next one in a loop? 如何在循环中比较当前元素和下一个元素?

This is a direct translation of your code. 这是您的代码的直接翻译。 In python enumerate iterates over a list as index,value pairs. 在python中, enumerate将列表作为索引,值对进行迭代。

>>> some = ["IP", "IP", "ADDRESS", "2342.42.2", "IP", "ASDF"];
>>> for i,v in enumerate(some):
...     if v=="IP" and some[i+1] == "ADDRESS": 
...         ipaddress = some[i+2]
>>> ipaddress

However you may consider end cases where there is no such stuff. 但是,您可以考虑没有这种东西的最终情况。 So you may as well so for i,v in enumerate(some[:-2]) . 因此for i,v in enumerate(some[:-2])也是如此。 This will ensure that you will not get out of the bounds of the list otherwise you will get an IndexError 这将确保您不会超出列表的范围,否则会得到IndexError

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