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[英]Azure cloud service/role instance stuck

I have 4 instances of my cloud service and randomly one of instance gets stuck while initializing and i get the following error in portal dashboard 我有4个云服务实例,并且其中一个实例在初始化时被卡住,并且在门户网站仪表板中收到以下错误

Busy (Waiting for role to start... Application startup tasks are running.Last role error: exit code - -2147467259, exit time - Last startup task error: name - "E:\plugins\RemoteAccess\RemoteAccessAgent.exe" /b)

Any reason why it gets stuck intermittently ? 任何原因使其间歇性卡住?

I had to spin up 1 more instance. 我不得不再增加一个实例。 The application was caped out on the the memory. 该应用程序已限制在内存中。

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