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[英]QHBoxLayout widget alignment only affects first widget

when I create a QHBoxLayout and I add widgets in it with addWidget and then call myLayout->setAlignment(newWidget, Qt::AlignLeft) , this only snaps the first widget I add. 当我创建QHBoxLayout并使用addWidget在其中添加小部件,然后调用myLayout->setAlignment(newWidget, Qt::AlignLeft) ,这只会捕捉我添加的第一myLayout->setAlignment(newWidget, Qt::AlignLeft)部件。 When I add other widgets and set their alignment to left too, they still start off at the center of the layout and then get squeezed in the more widgets I add. 当我添加其他小部件并将其对齐方式也设置为左时,它们仍然从布局的中心开始,然后被我添加的更多小部件所挤压。 How do I make them all stick to the left next to each other? 如何使它们彼此紧紧靠左?

If I understood it correct, what you want is to have your widgets in a horizontal line but as left as possible? 如果我理解正确的话,那么您想要的是将小部件水平放置,但尽量保持在左侧?

If so you can add your QHBoxLayot to the general this->getLayout()->addLayout(YourLayout) and then use setContentMargins(); 如果是这样,您可以将QHBoxLayot添加到常规this->getLayout()->addLayout(YourLayout) ,然后使用setContentMargins(); this->getLayout()->addLayout(YourLayout) or setStretchFactor(QWidget * widget, int stretch) setStretchFactor(QWidget * widget, int stretch)

Without the code is difficult but ... Another possible problem can be the widgets size. 没有代码很困难,但是...另一个可能的问题是小部件的大小。 You can fix it using setSizePolicy(...) with the MinimumExpanding setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); 您可以将setSizePolicy(...)与MinimumExpanding setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );一起使用进行修复setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );

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