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ng-repeat内的AngularJS ng-if不起作用

[英]AngularJS ng-if inside ng-repeat does not work

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

<body  ng-controller="QueryCntl">

    <h1> Target:{{target}}</h1>         

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mytableCtrl">    

<div ng-include="'header.html'"></div>

<div id="menuList">
    <ul class="menuNav">
        <li class="menuList_Slide" ng-repeat="x in names">
                <a href="category.html?categoryid={{x.id}}">{{ x.category }}</a>

            <div ng-if="{{target}} == {{x.id}}"> //Display subcategory if true
                <ul id="subCategories">
                        <a href="category.html?subcategoryid={{x.id}}">Childid should be displayed</a>


    var app = angular.module('myApp', [], function($locationProvider) {
    function QueryCntl($scope, $location) {
        $scope.target = $location.search()["categoryid"];       
    app.controller('mytableCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
        .success(function(response) {$scope.names = response;});                        


I want to display only 1 subcategory if {{target}} is equal to {{x.id}}. 如果{{target}}等于{{x.id}},我只想显示1个子类别。 But for now it prints everything... {{target}} gets value from the url where ?categoryid=some_number and x.id is a value from DB. 但是现在它可以打印所有内容... {{target}}从URL获得值,其中?categoryid = some_number,而x.id是来自DB的值。 These values works fine in my code. 这些值在我的代码中工作正常。

I would appreciate any help. 我将不胜感激任何帮助。

EDIT: ng-if="target == x.id" does not help. 编辑:ng-if =“ target == x.id”没有帮助。

ngIf不需要使用{{}} -它已经是Angular表达式:

div ng-if="target == x.id"

Problem solver: I inserted 问题解决者:我插入了

<base href="category.html">

in head tags and deleted bad script source. 在head标签中,并删除了错误的脚本源。

You don't need to interpolate properties within the ng-if directive's conditional as Angular evaluates the complete expression against the scope already. 您无需在ng-if指令的条件内插入属性,因为Angular已根据范围评估了完整的表达式。 Try this: 尝试这个:

ng-if="target == x.id"

ngIf directive expects an expression, so you don't need interpolation tags: ngIf指令需要一个表达式,因此您不需要插值标签:

<div ng-if="target == x.id"> //Display subcategory if true
    <ul id="subCategories">
            <a href="category.html?subcategoryid={{x.id}}">Childid should be displayed</a>

And one more thing: you are not initializing $scope.target because corresponding controller is outside of the ng-app . 还有一件事:您没有初始化$scope.target因为相应的控制器在ng-app Remove ng-controller="QueryCntl" and add target initialization into mytabeCtrl : 删除ng-controller="QueryCntl"并将目标初始化添加到mytabeCtrl

app.controller('mytableCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
    $scope.target = $location.search()["categoryid"];
    .success(function(response) {$scope.names = response;});                        

Replace: 更换:

<div ng-if="{{target}} == {{x.id}}">

With: 带有:

<div ng-if="target == x.id">

The ng-if attribute should contain plain JavaScript, instead of those interpolation tags ( {{}} ). ng-if属性应包含纯JavaScript,而不是那些插值标签( {{}} )。

This holds true for all ng- attributes. 所有ng- Attribute都ng-

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