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[英]Getting index of an item in an ObservableCollection inside the item

I'd like to be able to display an index value from within a DataTemplate, but I don't want the data to be persisted or backed by the model or viewmodel. 我希望能够在DataTemplate中显示索引值,但我不希望数据由模型或视图模型保留或支持。 In other words, if the order of the items in the OC changes, I don't want to have to recalculate the indexes. 换句话说,如果OC中项目的顺序发生变化,我不想重新计算索引。 The value should be intrinsically tied to the underlying index in the OC. 该值应与OC中的基础索引固有关联。 It is okay if the index is 0-based (in fact, I'd expect it). 如果索引从0开始是可以的(实际上,我希望它)。

One method that others have used is the AlternationIndex AP, but this has its own pitfalls for certain situations. 其他人使用的一种方法是AlternationIndex AP,但这在某些情况下有其自身的缺陷

One last thought: I can't help but think that a converter is going to be helpful in a final solution. 最后一个想法:我不禁想到转换器将在最终解决方案中发挥作用。

I would use a converter to do this. 我会使用转换器来做到这一点。

The trick is giving it the source collection, either on the ConverterParameter or a Dependency Property. 诀窍是在ConverterParameter或Dependency Property上为它提供源集合。 At that point, conversion is as simple as using IndexOf . 此时,转换就像使用IndexOf一样简单。

Here's a sample converter that does this: 这是一个执行此操作的示例转换器:

public class ItemToIndexConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(...)
        CollectionViewSource itemSource = parameter as CollectionViewSource;
        IEnumerable<object> items = itemSource.Source as IEnumerable<object>;

        return items.IndexOf(value as object);

    public object ConvertBack(...)
        return Binding.DoNothing;

You can make the implementation strongly typed, return a formatted string as a number, etc. The basic pattern will be as above though. 您可以强制键入实现,将格式化的字符串作为数字返回,等等。基本模式如上所述。

This implementation uses the parameter approach, as making a DP is more messy in my view. 这个实现使用参数方法,因为在我看来,DP更加混乱。 Because you can't bind ConverterParameter , I have it set to a static resource that is bound to the collection: 因为你无法绑定ConverterParameter ,所以我将它设置绑定到集合的静态资源:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="collectionSource" Source="{Binding Path=MyCollection}" />


<TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=ItemToIndexConverter}, 
               ConverterParameter={StaticResource ResourceKey=collectionSource}}"/>

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