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[英]Nested querying a xml document using LINQ in c#

I am trying to retrieve data from an xml document to an array in C# using LINQ where I have to use some nested querying within the elements of the xml data which is as follows 我正在尝试使用LINQ将数据从xml文档检索到C#中的数组,其中我必须在xml数据的元素内使用一些嵌套查询,如下所示

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>    
     <Book ISBN="" Genre="Thriller">
      <Title  Side="1">
       <Pty R="1" ID="Seller_ID">
         <Sub Typ="26" ID="John">
       <Pty R="2" ID="ABC">
    <Book ISBN="" Genre="Thriller">
      <Title  Side="2">
       <Pty R="1" ID="Buyer_ID">
         <Sub Typ="26" ID="Brook">
       <Pty R="2" ID="XYZ">

In the above XML document Side="1" represents a sell side and Side="2" represents a sell side. 在上面的XML文档中, Side="1"代表卖方, Side="2"代表卖方。 Now, I want to store above elements and attributes in an array which as fields as follows 现在,我想将上述元素和属性存储在一个数组中,如下所示

Array ISBN Genre PublishDate Buyer_Company Seller_Company Buyer_Broker Seller_Broker 阵列 ISBN类型发布日期买方_公司卖方_公司买方_经纪人卖方_经纪人

I was able to retrieve normal elements and attributes but was not sure how to deal with attributes that are dependent on other elements like Buyer_Company Seller_Company Buyer_Broker Seller_Broker which are based on Side, Pty and Sub elements like Buyer_Company is ID attribute of Pty where R= 2 and Side=2 . 我能够检索常规元素和属性,但不确定如何处理依赖于其他元素(例如, Side, Pty and Sub元素(例如Buyer_Company )的其他元素,如Buyer_Company Seller_Company Buyer_Broker Seller_Broker)的属性是Pty的ID属性,其中R= 2 and Side=2 Similarly, Buyer_Broker is ID attribute of Sub element where its attribute Typ=26 (there can be XML data with different value of Typ ) and Sub element is already a child to Pty element with R=1 and which is in turn a child of Book element when Side=2 同样, Buyer_BrokerSub元素的ID属性,其中其属性Typ=26 (可以有不同的Typ值的XML数据),并且Sub元素已经是R=1 Pty元素的子元素,而这又是Book的子元素当Side=2时的元素

Code I used to retrieve independent elements is 我用来检索独立元素的代码是

var result = doc.Descendants("Book")
        .Select(b => new
            ISBN= b.Attribute("ISBN").Value,
            PublishDate= b.Element("Title").Attribute("MMY").Value,        


And I worked on querying within a single element as follows 我在单个元素内进行查询,如下所示

  Company= (string)b.Descendants("Pty")
                             .Where(e => (int)e.Attribute("R") == 7)
                             .Select(e => e.Attribute("ID"))

But this didn't consider the attribute Side in the element Book . 但这没有考虑元素Book的属性Side

Sample Data 样本数据

First Book Element 第一本书元素


Second Book Element 第二本书元素

Buyer_Company: NULL

Side=1 represent a seller side and side=2 represents a buyer side which is why seller side is null in the first element of resultant array and buyer side in second element side = 1代表卖方,而side = 2代表买方,这就是为什么卖方方在结果数组的第一个元素中为null,而买方方在第二个元素中为null

May I know a better way to solve this? 我可以知道解决此问题的更好方法吗?

You can use Parent property to get Parent element of Pty then get the Side attribute and check it: 您可以使用Parent属性获取Pty Parent元素,然后获取Side属性并进行检查:

.Where(e => (int)e.Attribute("R") == 7 && 
            (int)e.Parent.Attribute("Side") == 2)

Edited to match the question: 编辑以匹配问题:

Using XPath: 使用XPath:

private static string GetCompanyValue(XElement bookElement, string side, string r)
  string format = "Title[@Side={0}]/Pty[@R={1}]";
  return GetValueByXPath(bookElement, string.Format(format, side, r));

private static string GetBrokerValue(XElement bookElement, string side)
  string format = "Title[@Side={0}]/Pty[@R=1]/Sub[@Typ=26]";
  return GetValueByXPath(bookElement, string.Format(format, side));

private static string GetValueByXPath(XElement bookElement, string expression)
  XElement element = bookElement.XPathSelectElement(expression);
  return element != null ? element.Attribute("ID").Value : null;

And the calling code looks as below. 调用代码如下所示。

var result = doc.Descendants("Book")                            
                .Select(book => new
                   ISBN = book.Attribute("ISBN").Value,
                   Genre = book.Attribute("Genre").Value,
                   Buyer_Company = GetCompanyValue(book, "2", "2"),
                   Buyer_Broker = GetBrokerValue(book, "2"),
                   Seller_Broker = GetBrokerValue(book, "1")

Add a using statement to using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.XPath;添加using语句using System.Xml.XPath;

Now that you've provided some examples, I think this will work for you. 现在,您已经提供了一些示例,我认为这对您有用。

const string xml =
    @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>    
    <Book ISBN="""" Genre=""Thriller"">
    <Title  Side=""1"">
    <Pty R=""1"" ID=""Seller_ID"">
        <Sub Typ=""26"" ID=""John"">
    <Pty R=""2"" ID=""ABC"">
    <Book ISBN="""" Genre=""Thriller"">
    <Title  Side=""2"">
    <Pty R=""1"" ID=""Buyer_ID"">
        <Sub Typ=""26"" ID=""Brook"">
    <Pty R=""2"" ID=""XYZ"">
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

var results = new List<object>();
foreach (var book in doc.Descendants("Book")) {
    var title = book.Element("Title");
    string buyerCompany = null;
    string buyerBroker = null;
    string sellerCompany = null;
    string sellerBroker = null;
    if (title.Attribute("Side").Value == "1") {
        sellerCompany = title.Elements("Pty")
            .Where(pty => pty.Attribute("R").Value == "2")
            .Select(pty => pty.Attribute("ID").Value)
        sellerBroker = title.Elements("Pty")
            .Where(pty => pty.Attribute("R").Value == "1")
            .Select(pty => pty.Element("Sub").Attribute("ID").Value)
    } else if (title.Attribute("Side").Value == "2") {
        buyerCompany = title.Elements("Pty")
            .Where(pty => pty.Attribute("R").Value == "2")
            .Select(pty => pty.Attribute("ID").Value)
        buyerBroker = title.Elements("Pty")
            .Where(pty => pty.Attribute("R").Value == "1")
            .Select(pty => pty.Element("Sub").Attribute("ID").Value)

    var result = new {
        ISBN = book.Attribute("ISBN").Value,
        Genre = book.Attribute("Genre").Value,
        Seller_Company = sellerCompany,
        Seller_Broker = sellerBroker,
        Buyer_Company = buyerCompany,
        Buyer_Broker = buyerBroker,


Result: 结果:


I think maybe you want to group by ISBN and then selectively get values from the children. 我认为您可能想按ISBN分组,然后有选择地从孩子那里获得价值。

const string xml = 
    @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>    
        <Book ISBN="""" Genre=""Thriller"">
            <Title  Side=""1"" MMY=""000"">
                <Pty R=""1"" ID=""Seller_ID"">
                    <Sub Typ=""26"" ID=""Seller_Broker"">
                <Pty R=""2"" ID=""Seller_Company"">
        <Book ISBN="""" Genre=""Thriller"">
            <Title  Side=""2"">
                <Pty R=""1"" ID=""Buyer_ID"">
                    <Sub Typ=""26"" ID=""Buyer_Broker"">
                <Pty R=""2"" ID=""Buyer_Company"">
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var results = doc.Descendants("Book")
    .GroupBy(x => x.Attribute("ISBN").Value)
    .Select(x => new {
        ISBN = x.Key,
        Genre = x.First().Attribute("Genre").Value,
        PublishDate = x.First().Element("Title").Attribute("MMY").Value,
        BuyerId = x.Where(book => book.Element("Title").Attribute("Side").Value == "2")

Result: 结果:

    ISBN = "",
    Genre = "Thriller",
    PublishDate = "000",
    BuyerId = "Buyer_ID"

Try this for complete parsing 试试这个进行完整的解析

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
            var result = doc.Descendants("Book")
                .Select(b => new
                    ISBN = b.Attribute("ISBN").Value,
                    Genre = b.Attribute("Genre").Value,
                    Side = b.Element("Title").Attribute("Side").Value,
                    ptr = b.Element("Title").Elements("Pty").Select(x => new {
                        R = x.Attribute("R").Value,
                        PtyID = x.Attribute("ID").Value,
                        Typ = x.Elements("Sub").Select(y => y == null ? null : y.Attribute("Typ").Value).FirstOrDefault(),
                        SubIDTyp = x.Elements("Sub").Select(y => y == null ? null : y.Attribute("ID").Value).FirstOrDefault()

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