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requestAnimationFrame(callback);会发生什么? 改变图像的宽度? 重涂或重涂?

[英]What occurs when requestAnimationFrame(callback); changes width of an image? repaint or reflow?

I have read some topics about reflow and repait this is what I maneged to understand. 我已经阅读了一些有关重排和重排的主题,这是我要理解的内容。

A repaint occurs when changes are made to an elements skin that changes visibility, but do not affect its layout. 当对元素外观进行更改以更改可见性但不影响其布局时,就会发生重新绘制。

A reflow occurs when changes are made to the elements layout. 对元素布局进行更改时会发生重排。

Anyway, when 反正什么时候

window.requestAnimationFrame(callback); window.requestAnimationFrame(callback);

updates selected image element changing it's width what occurs repaint or reflow. 更新选定的图像元素,更改其宽度,从而发生重新绘制或重排。 In MDN the callback parameter was discriebed as: 在MDN中,回调参数的判别为:

A parameter specifying a function to call when it's time to update your animation for the next repaint. 一个参数,指定要在下一次重绘时更新动画时要调用的函数。

So what occurs after all, reflow or repaint? 那么,到底发生重排还是重涂?

Here is an example of my problem: 这是我的问题的一个例子:

 var jediImg = document.getElementById('jedi-image'); jediImg.src = 'images/jedi-image.jpg'; jediImg.width = 400; var times = 20, update = -1; var isJediVisible = true; function animationFrame() { if (isJediVisible) { jediImg.width = 0; } else { jediImg.width = 400; } isJediVisible = !isJediVisible; jediImg.width = (20 - times) * 50; times += update; if (times === 0) { update = 1; } if (times == 20) { update = -1; } requestAnimationFrame(animationFrame); } animationFrame(); 

Thank you for your answers. 谢谢您的回答。

Change in width will trigger the reflow and paint. width变化将触发回流和上漆。 See more about triggers here . 在此处查看有关触发器的更多信息。

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