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[英]How to change UITableView cellrows on state change of UISwitch in Navigationbar?

I am having two methods in my UITableViewController class. 我的UITableViewController类中有两个方法。

[self itemProcessor]; //First Method
[self listAllItems];  //Second Method

First method will get called by default from my viewDidLoad and the cellForRowAtIndexPath gets populated based on the query from my first method. 默认情况下,第一个方法将从我的viewDidLoad调用,并且cellForRowAtIndexPath将根据第一个方法中的查询进行填充。 I have a Programmatically created UISwitch in my viewDidLoad like the below 我在viewDidLoad有一个以编程方式创建的UISwitch ,如下所示

UISwitch *barSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] init];
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:barSwitch];
    [barSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(setState:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; //To track switch state.

- (void)setState:(id)sender
    BOOL state = [sender isOn];
    NSString *rez = state == YES ? @"YES" : @"NO";
    NSLog(@"state is %@",rez);


I should call secondMethod( [self listAllItems]; ) when the switch is off. 当开关关闭时,我应该调用secondMethod( [self listAllItems]; )。 I have all my arrays getting initialized in my viewDidLoad . 我所有的数组都在viewDidLoad初始化。 How do i call two different queries based on the state change when i create the switch programmatically inside viewDidLoad ? 当我在viewDidLoad以编程方式创建开关时,如何根据状态变化调用两个不同的查询?

have a NSMutableArray , which you will use in viewDidLoad first, then update that array inside setState function and call tableView.reloadData() 有一个NSMutableArray,您将首先在viewDidLoad中使用它,然后在setState函数中更新该数组并调用tableView.reloadData()

- (void)setState:(id)sender
    BOOL state = [sender isOn];
    NSString *rez = state == YES ? @"YES" : @"NO";
    NSLog(@"state is %@",rez);

    if (state == YES) {
        // myArray is declared in the .h file 
        myArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
                          @"str1", @"str2",
                          @"etc", nil];
        [self.tableView reloadData]; 

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