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如何专门化std :: begin?

[英]How to specialize std::begin?

I'm trying to specialize std::begin for a custom container. 我正在尝试将std::begin专门用于自定义容器。 I'm doing this because I want to use range-based for with the container. 因为我想使用基于范围的我这样做是for与容器。 This is what I have: 这就是我所拥有的:

class stackiterator { … };
class stack { … };

#include <iterator>

template <> stackiterator std::begin(stack& S)
  return S.GetBottom();

I get the following error at the definition of my begin specialization: 我在begin专业化的定义中遇到以下错误:

No function template matches function template specialization 'begin' 没有函数模板匹配函数模板特化“开始”

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

I'm trying to specialize std::begin for a custom container. 我正在尝试将std::begin专门用于自定义容器。 I'm doing this because I want to use range-based for with the container. 因为我想使用基于范围的我这样做是for与容器。

You are barking up the wrong tree. 你正在咆哮错误的树。 Range-based for does not use std::begin at all. 基于范围的for不使用std::begin For class types, the compiler looks up member begin and end directly, and if neither is found, does an ADL-only lookup for free begin and end in the associated namespaces. 对于类类型,编译器直接查找成员beginend ,如果两者都没有找到,则仅对ADL进行自由查找在关联的名称空间中beginend Ordinary unqualified lookup is not performed; 不执行普通的非限定查找; there's no way for std::begin to be picked up if your class is not in the std namespace. 如果您的类不在std命名空间中,则无法获取std::begin

Even if the specialization you want to do is possible (it isn't unless you introduce a member begin() - an explicit specialization for a function template can't change the return type, and the overload at issue returns "whatever member begin() returns"; and if you do introduce a member begin() , why are you specializing std::begin to do what it would have done anyway?), you still won't be able to use it with a range-based for . 即使你想要做的特化是可能的(除非你引入一个成员begin()否则一个函数模板的显式特化不能改变返回类型,并且有问题的重载返回“无论成员begin()什么begin()返回“;而如果你介绍的会员begin() ,你为什么专业std::begin ?做它无论如何都会做),你仍然无法与使用范围为基础的for

The right way to add a free function begin that enables for(:) loops is to add, in the namespace of stack , a begin(stack&) and begin(stack const&) function that returns a iterator and const_iterator respectively (and ditto for end ) 添加自由函数的正确方法begin ,使for(:)循环能够在stack的命名空间中添加一个begin(stack&)begin(stack const&)函数,它们分别返回一个迭代器和一个const_iterator(和ditto for end

The other way is to add a member begin() and end() to stack . 另一种方法是将成员begin()end()stack

Specializing std::begin is bad practice for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that not all for(:) loops will work with it (the lookup rules where changed in the resolution of this defect report ). 专业化std::begin是一个不好的做法,原因有很多,其中最重要的是并非所有for(:)循环都可以使用它(查找规则在此缺陷报告的分辨率中发生了变化)。 Overloading std::begin is undefined behavior (you may not overload functions in namespace std under the standard: doing so makes your program ill-formed). 重载std::begin是未定义的行为(你可能不会在标准namespace std重载函数:这样做会使你的程序格式错误)。

This is how it has to be done, even if it violates the naming convention of your project. 即使它违反了项目的命名约定,也必须这样做。

Leaving aside the policy and semantic issues of whether you should specialize a function template from the std namespace, 撇开是否应该从std命名空间专门化函数模板的策略和语义问题,

The following snippet does not work: 以下代码段不起作用:

class stackiterator {};
struct stack { stackiterator Begin() { return stackiterator{};} };

#include <iterator>

namespace std
   template <> stackiterator begin<stack>(stack& S)
      return S.Begin();

However, the following snippet works just fine: 但是,以下代码段工作正常:

class stackiterator {};
struct stack { stackiterator begin() { return stackiterator{};} };

#include <iterator>

namespace std
   template <> stackiterator begin<stack>(stack& S)
      return S.begin();

The key difference is the presence of Begin() vs begin() as a member function of stack . 关键区别在于Begin() vs begin()作为stack的成员函数。 std::begin() is defined as: std::begin()定义为:

template <class C> auto begin(C& c) -> decltype(c.begin());
template <class C> auto begin(const C& c) -> decltype(c.begin());

When you specialize a function template, you must still keep the return type the same. 当您专门化函数模板时,您仍必须保持返回类型相同。 When you don't have begin() as a member of Stack , the compiler does not know how to determine the return type. 当您没有begin()作为Stack的成员时,编译器不知道如何确定返回类型。

That is the reason for error produced by the compiler. 这就是编译器产生错误的原因。

BTW, there is another SO post that partially answers what can be specialized and what can't be specialized. 顺便说一句,还有另一篇SO帖子 ,它部分回答了什么可以是专业的,什么是不专业的。

Looking at the part of the standard that deals with std::begin() , Section 24.3, I don't see anything about not being able to specialize std::begin() . 看看处理std::begin()的标准部分,第24.3节,我没有看到任何关于无法专门化std::begin()

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