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[英]Why does my scripts return error 500?

This is not really an issue but it bothers me a bit :) 这不是一个真正的问题,但是让我有些烦恼:)

Long story short: My scripts are not loading due to the source URL which is like : 长话短说:由于源URL如下所示,我的脚本未加载:

<script src="http://www.example.com/Content/javascript/libs/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://www.example.com/Content/javascript/min/head-full-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

When I put the url in my browser it shows a 500 internal error. 当我将URL放入浏览器时,它显示500内部错误。 But if I modify "Content" to "content", the scripts are correctly loaded and everything is fine. 但是,如果我将“内容”修改为“内容”,则脚本已正确加载,并且一切正常。 I have 2 colleagues who have no issue ("Content" & "content" are working for them). 我有2位没有问题的同事(“内容”和“内容”正在为他们工作)。 I checked the path of the scripts which is like .../Content/javascript/... 我检查了脚本的路径,例如.../Content/javascript/...

The solution is obvious but does anyone have an idea about my issue ? 解决方案很明显,但是有人对我的问题有想法吗? Can someone else be impacted due this change : "Conten" -> "content" ? 此更改是否会影响其他人:“内容”->“内容”?

PS: I tested with IE 11, Firefox 39 & Chrome 43, same issue for the 3 PS:我使用IE 11,Firefox 39和Chrome 43进行了测试,而3

Thank you. 谢谢。

The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.

There are several options you can try to fix it:
1.Reload the web page. You can do that by clicking the refresh/reload button, pressing F5, or trying the URL again from the address bar.
2.Clear your browser's cache. If there's a problem with the cached version of the page you're viewing, it could be causing HTTP 500 issues.
3.Delete your browser's cookies. Some 500 Internal Server Error issues can be corrected by deleting the cookies associated with the site you're getting the error on.

Try these options and check if they seem to make a difference.

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