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[英]How to get all the selected options in a drop down list with JavaScript?

I have a drop down list, and user can select multi options. 我有一个下拉列表,用户可以选择多个选项。

So this is part of my code in firtfile.inc 所以这是我在firtfile.inc中的代码的一部分

            <div class="col-md-8">
                <!-- Change report heading so we can grab it on the report page -->
                    <select name="SearchIn[]" multiple="multiple"  onchange="javascript:this.form.Heading.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;" required="required" title="Section">

                    <option value="" disabled selected>Select</option>
//Loop over the options


        <option value="<?php echo $SearchCriteria[$i]['value'];?>"<?php if($SearchCriteria[$i]['value']=='FacultyName'){echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>
        <?php echo $SearchCriteria[$i]['display'];?>
     }//!End of looping over search criteria
    <!-- Hidden heading field for search report -->
                    <input type="hidden" name="Heading" valtue="" />


in another php file, I have included firstfile.inc, and i want to get the list of options that user has selected from drop down list. 在另一个php文件中,我包括firstfile.inc,我想获取用户从下拉列表中选择的选项列表。 so I have the folloing in the php file to get the selected options. 因此,我在php文件中添加了以下选项。

  $Heading = $dat->if_default('Heading', '');

but it only gives me the first option that the user has selected, but I need all of them. 但这只是给我用户选择的第一个选项,但我需要所有这些。 How can I get them? 我怎样才能得到它们?

First of all, I highly recommend that you use jQuery , it will make any DOM manipulation a lot easier. 首先,我强烈建议您使用jQuery ,它将使任何DOM操作都更加容易。

It's not clear what output you expect, but supposing you're expecting a comma separated string like: 目前尚不清楚您期望的输出是什么,但是假设您期望使用逗号分隔的字符串,例如:

Criteria1, Criteria2, Criteria3

You could: 你可以:

1) Just use PHP to give you that, with something like: 1)只需使用PHP即可,例如:

$SearchIn = $_POST["SearchIn"];

$selectedArr = array();
foreach($SearchCriteria as $item) {
    if (in_array($item["value"], $SearchIn)) {
        $selectedArr[] = $item["display"];

$criteria = implode(", ", $selectedArr); // will contain: Criteria1, Criteria2, Criteria3

2) If you want to do it on the client and store the values in <input id="heading"/> , you can use jQuery and do this (your HTML would change a little, to include the IDs): 2)如果要在客户端上执行此操作并将值存储在<input id="heading"/> ,则可以使用jQuery并执行此操作(您的HTML会稍作更改,以包含ID):

<form action="index.php" method="POST">
    <div class="col-md-8">
        <!-- Change report heading so we can grab it on the report page -->
        <select id="section" name="SearchIn[]" multiple="multiple" required="required" title="Section">
            <option value="" disabled selected>Select</option>
            <?php for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($SearchCriteria); $i++) { ?>
            <option value="<?php echo $SearchCriteria[$i]['value'];?>"<?php if($SearchCriteria[$i]['value']=='FacultyName'){echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>
                <?php echo $SearchCriteria[$i]['display'];?>
            <?php } ?>
        <!-- Hidden heading field for search report -->
        <input id="heading" type="hidden" name="Heading" value="" />
    <input type="submit">

$('#section').on("change", function() {
    selectedArray = new Array();
    $(this).find("option:selected:not([disabled])").each(function() {
    $("#heading").val(selectedArray.join(", "));

3) For a pure JavaScript solution (use the same HTML as above): 3)对于纯JavaScript解决方案(使用与上述相同的HTML):

    selectedArray = new Array();
    for (x = 0; x < this.length; x++) {
        if (this[x].selected && !this[x].disabled) {
    document.getElementById("heading").value = selectedArray.join(", ");

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