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[英]handle javascript function inside loop

I am using javascript function inside of while loop. 我在while循环内使用javascript函数。 That loop prints list of records and edit button. 该循环将打印记录列表和“编辑”按钮。 When click on edit button there is function(Let say editBtnClicked(id)). 当单击编辑按钮时,具有功能(假设editBtnClicked(id))。 Problem: It is getting called to there but page is refreshing automatically. 问题:在那里被调用,但是页面自动刷新。

What is happening over there I couldn't find? 我找不到那里发生了什么? Someone have a look on this. 有人看看这个。

function editBtnClicked(id) {
                console.log("Edit Section");
                $(".showData").css("display", "none");
                $(".showInputField").css("display", "block"); }

<button id="edit" name="Edit" value="Edit" class="edit btn btn-info"onclick="editBtnClicked('<%=id%>');">

By defualt, button elements are type="submit" . 通过默认, button元素type="submit" If you don't want it to be a submit button, use type="button" instead: 如果您不希望它成为提交按钮,请改用type="button"

<button type="button" id="edit" name="Edit" value="Edit" class="edit btn btn-info"onclick="editBtnClicked('<%=id%>');">

If for some reason you want it to continue to be a submit button, but you want to prevent submission: In your onclick attribute, pass the event into your function: 如果出于某种原因您希望它继续成为一个提交按钮,但又希望阻止提交:在onclick属性中,将该event传递到您的函数中:

<button id="edit" name="Edit" value="Edit" class="edit btn btn-info"onclick="editBtnClicked(event, '<%=id%>');">

That event will exist within the context created for that call, either as a global (Chrome, IE) or as a local (Firefox). event将以全局(Chrome,IE)或本地(Firefox)的形式存在于为该调用创建的上下文中。

Then in your handler, use preventDefault : 然后在您的处理程序中,使用preventDefault

function editBtnClicked(event, id) {
    $.Event(event).preventDefault(); // Note the jQuery event wrapper
    console.log("Edit Section");
    $(".showData").css("display", "none");
    $(".showInputField").css("display", "block");

That said, I'd probably change this up completely and use event delegation instead of an onclick attribute. 就是说,我可能会完全改变它,并使用事件委托而不是onclick属性。

On some container all these buttons will be in: 在某些容器上,所有这些按钮都位于:

$("selector for the container").on("click", "button.edit", editBtnClicked);

...and when outputting them (note I've removed the id — you said this was a loop, you can't have the same id more than once!): ...并且在输出它们时(请注意,我已经删除了id您说这是一个循环,您不能多次拥有相同的id !):

<button type="button" type="button" value="Edit" class="edit btn btn-info" data-id="'<%=id%>'">

And in the function: 并在函数中:

function editBtnClicked() {
    var id = $(this).attr("data-id"); // Get the ID
    console.log("Edit Section");
    $(".showData").css("display", "none");
    $(".showInputField").css("display", "block");

1- attach preventDefault() to click event or return false at the end of function to prevent submitting. 1-将preventDefault()附加到click事件上,或在函数末尾返回false以防止提交。 In second case you should write onclick="return editBtnClicked('<%=id%>')" 在第二种情况下,您应该编写onclick =“ return editBtnClicked('<%= id%>')”

2- Do not put your function inside the loop. 2-不要将函数放入循环中。 Consider using ID inside your function so you wont need to repeat function inside the loop. 考虑在函数内使用ID,这样就无需在循环内重复函数。

Please use PreventDefault for reference : http://api.jquery.com/event.preventdefault/ 请使用PreventDefault作为参考: http ://api.jquery.com/event.preventdefault/

  function editBtnClicked(e) {
            console.log("Edit Section");
            $(".showData").css("display", "none");
            $(".showInputField").css("display", "block"); 

 <button id="edit" name="Edit" value="Edit" class="edit btn btn-info"onclick="editBtnClicked('<%=id%>');">

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