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[英]getPropertyValue doesn't wok in IE9?

I want to use transition and transform to make a slider. 我想使用transitiontransform来制作滑块。 I use the getPropertyValue to check the current slide. 我使用getPropertyValue检查当前幻灯片。 It works fine in Chrome, but in the IE9 it shows an error: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null (I marked the line with **) 它在Chrome中工作正常,但在IE9中显示错误: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null (我用**标记了该行)

the Javascript code: Javascript代码:

var slider = container.querySelector("ul");   

function getCurrSliderIndex() {
            var text = slider.style.getPropertyValue("transform");
            var pattern = /[0-9]+/;
            **var match = pattern.exec(text)[0];**
            var intValue = parseInt(match) / width - 1;
            return intValue;

the HTML code: HTML代码:

<ul id="primary-slider" class=" iuiSlider fix" style="width: 3794px; height: 271px; transform: translateX(-1084px);">
  <li>some content</li>
  <li>some content</li>
  <li>some content</li>

The problem here is not really the getPropertyValue() function, which is supported in IE9+. 此处的问题实际上不是IE9 +支持的getPropertyValue()函数。

But CSS properties like transform need vendor prefixes to work across browsers. 但是,诸如transform类的CSS属性需要供应商前缀才能跨浏览器工作。 To make it easier, you could create functions that handle them so you don't have to: 为了简化操作,您可以创建处理它们的函数,因此您不必:

 /* Declare these functions to handle the prefixes */ Object.prototype.setPrefixedProperty = function(prop, value){ this.setProperty(prop, value); this.setProperty('-moz-' + prop, value); this.setProperty('-webkit-' + prop, value); this.setProperty('-ms-' + prop, value); this.setProperty('-o-' + prop, value); }; Object.prototype.getPrefixedProperty = function(prop){ return this.getPropertyValue(prop) || this.getPropertyValue('-moz-' + prop) || this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-' + prop) || this.getPropertyValue('-ms-' + prop) || this.getPropertyValue('-o-' + prop); }; /* Use them like so: */ var slider = document.querySelector('div'); slider.style.setPrefixedProperty('transform', 'translateX(-1084px)'); var text = slider.style.getPrefixedProperty('transform'); alert(text); 
 <p>This demo should alert "translateX(-1084px)".</p> <div></div> 

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