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[英]How to configure the php.ini of cloud9-ide


See this answer from the new community discourse forum: https://community.c9.io/t/customizing-php-ini/1487 在新的社区讨论论坛上查看以下答案: https : //community.c9.io/t/customizing-php-ini/1487

bradydowling Cloud9 Employee Jan 22, 2016 bradydowling Cloud9员工2016年1月22日

For PHP, you can create custom configuration by editing /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini. 对于PHP,您可以通过编辑/home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini创建自定义配置。 For example, from the terminal, from the following commands: 例如,从终端,从以下命令:

create custom php.ini $ echo "display_errors=Off" > /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini 创建自定义php.ini $ echo "display_errors=Off" > /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini

verify it is found $ php --ini Loaded Configuration File: /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini You may also just create a new file in your workspace folder and name it php.ini and then open that by double-clicking it. 验证是否找到了$ php --ini已加载的配置文件: /home/ubuntu/workspace/php.ini您也可以在工作区文件夹中创建一个新文件,并将其命名为php.ini,然后双击打开该文件。 。

and also this other forum post on the topic for complete reference of past discussion: https://community.c9.io/t/how-to-configure-my-php-ini-file/642/2?u=mikeumus 以及有关该主题的其他论坛帖子,以完整地参考过去的讨论: https : //community.c9.io/t/how-to-configure-my-php-ini-file/642/2?u=mikeumus

您需要停止项目,然后重新启动(菜单Run / Stop,然后Run / Run last)-Apache Web服务器将使用新的PHP配置重新启动。

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