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[英]In Linux How do I create a folder inside folder from terminal?

I want to create a folder tree like below 我想创建一个如下的文件夹树


Is there a linux command to do it? 有Linux命令可以做到吗?

Following worked for me. 以下对我有用。 Thanks to linfo 感谢linfo

mkdir -p 2006/seattle/plans/marketing

However there could be more effective ones. 但是,可能会有更有效的方法。

To create sub-folders in a Terminal, we generally prefer 要在终端中创建子文件夹,我们通常更喜欢

mkdir -p h/{hh,hhh/hhhh}

Output Folder Structure 输出文件夹结构


hh hhh/


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