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[英]How to make an a href do its work when it's inside another class that triggers an event whenver clicked

The question above might not be clear enough, so I will give an example as well: 上面的问题可能还不够清楚,因此我还将举一个例子:

For example, I have the following html code: 例如,我有以下html代码:

<ul class="do-sth">
    <li>Line 1</li>
    <li>Some text. <a href="http://www.google.com">Line 2.</a> Other text</li>

The do-sth class triggers some even whenver it got clicked. do-sth级触发有的甚至whenver它得到了点击。 So when I click Line 2 , it will trigger that do-sth event and at the same time transferring to the href link. 因此,当我单击Line 2行时,它将触发该do-sth事件,并同时转移到href链接。 This is NOT what I want. 这不是我想要的。 What I would like to have is that whenever I click Line 2 , the do-sth is not triggered. 我想拥有的是,每当我单击Line 2 do-sth都不会触发。 How to do that? 怎么做?

<ul class="do-sth">
    <li>Line 1</li>
    <li>Some text. <a href="somewhere">Line2</a>. Other text</li>

    // try using event.stopPropagation or event.cancelBubble = true for IE
    document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function(e)
        // do-sth won't be triggered
    }, false);

If what you're asking is to remove the onclick event from the anchor tag, the below code will work: 如果您要从锚标记中删除onclick事件,则以下代码将起作用:

    <ul class="do-sth">
        <li>Line 1</li>
        <li>Some text. <a href="http://www.google.com" onclick="return false">Line 2.</a> Other text</li>


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