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[英]Magento Product Page scrolls down automatically

I use the magento kallyas theme and there must be some javascript that forces all my product pages to scroll down automatically. 我使用了magento kallyas主题,并且必须有一些JavaScript强制我的所有产品页面自动向下滚动。

This page: http://www.stainer-online.com/produkte/tische/altholztische/altholztisch-design-silbermine.html 本页: http : //www.stainer-online.com/produkte/tische/altholztische/altholztisch-design-silbermine.html

When you load this page, or reload it or choose a other product-detail-page your browser scrolls down. 加载或重新加载该页面或选择其他产品详细信息页面时,浏览器将向下滚动。

Which script or extension is this? 这是哪个脚本或扩展名? Themedevelopers cant help. 主题开发人员无法提供帮助。

Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助

probably this in fault in your js : 可能这是您的js错误:

jQuery.fn.center = function(pos){
    if (! pos)
        pos = 'fixed';

    var w = jQuery(window);
    this.css("position", pos);
    if ('fixed' == pos){
        this.css("top" , (w.height()-this.height())/2 + "px");
        this.css("left", (w.width()-this.width())  /2 + "px");
    } else if ('absolute' == pos){
        this.css("top",(w.height()-this.height())/2+w.scrollTop() + "px");
        if(w.height() < this.height())
            this.css("top", w.scrollTop() + "px");
        this.css("left",(w.width()-this.width())/2+w.scrollLeft() + "px");
    return this;

Try not to force the top attribute in css, and maybe the position as well. 尽量不要在CSS中强制top属性,也不要在位置中强制。

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