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[英]How can I localize strings in Xaml files for WPFLocalizationExtension

I'm using WPFLocalizationExtension to localize my WPF application. 我正在使用WPFLocalizationExtension来本地化WPF应用程序。 I'm very happy with the run-time behavior, but extracting string properties manually to ResX files is very tedious. 我对运行时行为非常满意,但是将字符串属性手动提取到ResX文件非常繁琐。

Is there a way to automate this? 有没有办法使它自动化? I used to have a tool called Xaml Localizer Addin that did exactly this (screenshot below), but it only works with VS2008 and I couldn't find a newer version. 我曾经有一个名为Xaml Localizer Addin的工具可以做到这一点(下面的屏幕截图),但是它只能在VS2008上运行,而我找不到较新的版本。


If you're using visual studio 2010, you may want to check out Xaml Localization Tool . 如果您使用的是Visual Studio 2010,则可能需要查看Xaml本地化工具 It's an extension for vs2010 to localize xaml application, and generate .resx files from xaml. 这是vs2010的扩展,用于本地化xaml应用程序并从xaml生成.resx文件。

Another idea is to download XAML Localize Source Code and build your own visual studio add-in or tool that is compatible with your version of .net. 另一个想法是下载XAML本地化源代码,并构建自己的Visual Studio外接程序或与.net版本兼容的工具。

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