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[英]Why isn't my radio button implementation working properly

I am trying to do a onclick alert once the user selected any radio button. 一旦用户选择了任何单选按钮,我试图做一个onclick警报。 However, if the user presses any of the buttons besides the radio button with the name ANVIL, it sends an alert undefined, while if I press the radio button name Anvil, it will alert stating anvil. 但是,如果用户按下名称为ANVIL的单选按钮以外的任何按钮,则会发送未定义的警报,而如果我按下名称为Anvil的单选按钮,则会发出警告,提示您为砧。

 function processFlow() { var tempType; for (var i = 0; i < document.flow_form.flow.length; i++) { if (document.flow_form.flow[i].checked) { tempType = document.flow_form.flow[i].value; } alert(tempType); //document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = document.flow_form.flow[i].value; break; } } 
  <h1>Position Trigger Messages</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="sheet_column"> <form name="flow_form"> <h2>Flow</h2> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="anvil" onclick="processFlow()" checked>ANVIL</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="fx" onclick="processFlow()">FX</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="debt" onclick="processFlow()">Debt</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="prms_repos" onclick="processFlow()">PRMS Repos</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="prms_fx" onclick="processFlow()">PRMS FX</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="equity_racs" onclick="processFlow()">Equity options from RACS</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="convertible_bonds">Convertible bonds</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="firm_derivatives" onclick="processFlow()">Firm derivatives</label> <br> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="stocks" onclick="processFlow()">Stocks</label> </form> </div> 

Your alert() and break should be inside the if. 您的alert()和break应该位于if中。 Otherwise, when they select anything after the first item, it will alert(tempType) which is undefined, then break, meaning it will never find a match as the loop exited. 否则,当他们在第一项之后选择任何内容时,它将警告(tempType)未定义,然后中断,这意味着在循环退出时将永远找不到匹配项。

function processFlow() {

  var tempType;
  for (var i = 0; i < document.flow_form.flow.length; i++) {
    if (document.flow_form.flow[i].checked) {
      tempType = document.flow_form.flow[i].value;



Remove your loop and use 删除循环并使用


 function processFlow() { var tempType = document.flow_form.flow.value; alert(tempType); } [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('input[name="flow"]'), function(inp) { inp.onchange = processFlow; }); 
 label { display: block; } 
 <h1>Position Trigger Messages</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="sheet_column"> <form name="flow_form"> <h2>Flow</h2> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="anvil" checked> ANVIL </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="fx"> FX </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="debt"> Debt </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="prms_repos"> PRMS Repos </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="prms_fx"> PRMS FX </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="equity_racs"> Equity options from RACS </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="convertible_bonds"> Convertible bonds </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="firm_derivatives"> Firm derivatives </label> <label class="flow_row"> <input type="radio" name="flow" value="stocks"> Stocks </label> </form> </div> </div> 

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