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[英]Passing String from one class to another

How can I pass string variable or String object from one class to another?如何将字符串变量或字符串对象从一个类传递到另一个类? I've 2 days on this problem.我有 2 天的时间来解决这个问题。

One class get data from keyboard and second one should print it in console.一类从键盘获取数据,第二类应该在控制台中打印出来。

Take some help from the below code:-从以下代码中获取一些帮助:-

public class ReadFrom {
  private String stringToShow; // String in this class, which other class will read
  public void setStringToShow(String stringToShow) {
    this.stringToShow = stringToShow;

  public String getStringToShow() {
    return this.stringToShow;

class ReadIn {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // for taking Keyboard input
    ReadFrom rf = new ReadFrom();
    rf.setStringToShow(sc.nextLine()); // Setting in ReadFrom string
    System.out.println(rf.getStringToShow()); // Reading in this class

There are two ways:有两种方式:

  1. create an instance of your printer class and evoke the method on the printer object:创建打印机类的实例并调用打印机对象上的方法:

     public class MyPrinter { public void printString( String string ) { System.out.println( string ); } }

in your main:在你的主要:

MyPrinter myPrinter = new MyPrinter();
myPrinter.printString( input );

or 2. you create a static method in your printer class and evoke it in your main:或 2. 在打印机类中创建静态方法并在主类中调用它:

public class MyPrinter
    public static void printStringWithStaticMethod(String string)

in your main:在你的主要:

MyPrinter.printStringWithStaticMethod( input );

Write a method inside your second class with System.out.println(parameter);使用System.out.println(parameter);在你的第二个类中编写一个方法System.out.println(parameter); Make the method static and then invoke this in first method like使方法静态,然后在第一个方法中调用它,例如


Inside class that accepts Scanner input接受Scanner输入的内部类

variableName ClassName = new Classname();


A textbook can always help in this situation.在这种情况下,教科书总能提供帮助。

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