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[英]JSON loop a multidimensional array to with node.js

Having read up on different methods please bear with me to try to explain. 阅读了不同的方法后,请允许我尝试解释。

I am trying to retreive data from the twitch api and loop the user.name results to an array possibly inside an object. 我正在尝试从twitch api中检索数据,并将user.name结果循环到可能在对象内部的数组。 I am using nodejs so it has to be javascript. 我正在使用nodejs,所以它必须是javascript。

So far when I run the following I get a nice json response. 到目前为止,当我运行以下命令时,我会收到一个不错的json响应。

var request = require('request');

    request({url: 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/twitch/follows?limit=3'}, function(err, res, json) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;



this then logs the same as if one where to visit https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/twitch/follows?limit=3 然后,它记录的内容与访问https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/twitch/follows?limit=3的位置相同

or better visualized as 或更好地可视化为


Now I want to select the follows -> user -> name object. 现在,我要选择以下->用户->名称对象。 More so, loop every user -> name in the response. 更重要的是,在响应中循环每个用户->名称。

I thought I would need to convert the string to an object so I tried 我以为我需要将字符串转换为对象,所以我尝试了

    var obj = JSON.parse(json);

but that only returns the first {3} objects in the tree. 但这仅返回树中的前{3}个对象。 So I went ahead and tried 所以我继续尝试

var request = require('request');

    request({url: 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/twitch/follows?limit=3'}, function(err, res, json) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

        for (var i=0; i<json.length; i++) {

        var obj = JSON.parse(json.follows[i].user.name);



and it returns 它返回

TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

For testing purposes I also got rid of the loop and just have 1 to return one bit of info. 出于测试目的,我也摆脱了循环,只用1来返回一点信息。 Having tried multiple instances of rearranging the call I always get either an error or "undefined" back. 尝试过多次重新安排呼叫的实例后,我总是会收到错误消息或“未定义”消息。

Nothing seems to work, I am even going about this the right way? 似乎没有任何效果,我什至正在以正确的方式进行操作?

循环遍历json.followers.length而不是json.length - json是一个对象,并且对象没有长度:

for (var i=0; i<json.follows.length; i++) {

As json is an object here, we should use for-in though there is no length property. 由于json是此处的对象,因此我们应该使用for-in,尽管没有length属性。 But here json.follows is an array. 但是这里json.follows是一个数组。 So we should use for loop. 因此,我们应该使用for循环。

var len = json.follows.length;
for (var i=0; i< len; i++) {

Supposing you do var obj = JSON.parse(json); 假设您执行var obj = JSON.parse(json);

for (var j = 0; j < obj.follows.length; j++) {
    var thisName = jsonObj.follows[j].user.name;

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