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[英]Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax

$db= mysql_select_db("a6124751_signup");
$company =$_GET["Company"];
$query = "INSERT INTO questions (topic, question, company) VALUES ($topic, $question, $company)";
if (!$sql1) {
 die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

this is my php code in server where there is a table named 'questions' and i am trying to insert the data into it from the input got from the GET method using form at front end, i can figure out that data is coming properly from the client which i have checked using echo. 这是我在服务器中的php代码,其中有一个名为“ questions”的表,我正尝试使用前端表单从GET方法获得的输入中将数据插入其中,我可以弄清楚数据是否正确地来自我已经使用echo检查的客户端。 I am getting an error as 我收到一个错误

You have an error in your SQL syntax; 您的SQL语法有误; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'name, type your question here, company)' at line 1 检查与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册,以在第1行的“名称,在此处输入您的问题,公司)附近使用正确的语法

Don't know what is the error in the query. 不知道查询中有什么错误。 anyone find it out asap. 任何人都尽快发现它。 thank you 谢谢

You need to quote your values 您需要引用您的价值观

('$topic', '$question', '$company')

since those are strings. 因为这些是字符串。

Plus, you should escape your data for a few reasons. 另外,出于某些原因,您应该转义数据。 Not let MySQL complain about certain characters such as hyphens etc., and to protect against SQL injection. 不要让MySQL抱怨某些字符,例如连字符等,并防止SQL注入。

Use prepared statements: 使用准备好的语句:

Reference(s): 参考文献:

Edit: 编辑:

As an example using your present MySQL API: 例如,使用您当前的MySQL API:

$topic    = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['topic']);
$question = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['question']);
$company  = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['company']);

I don't know what your inputs are called, so that's just an example. 我不知道您的输入被称为什么,所以这只是一个例子。

You mentioned about using $_GET for debugging but using a POST method. 您提到使用$_GET进行调试,但使用POST方法。

  • Change all $_GET to $_POST above. 将所有$_GET更改$_GET上面的$_POST

Try this 尝试这个

$db = mysqli_connect('mysql6.000webhost.com', 'a6124751_murali1', 'default@123', 'a6124751_signup');

if (!$db) {
    die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') '
            . mysqli_connect_error());

$topic = $_GET["Topic"];
$question = $_GET["Question"];
$company = $_GET["Company"];

$query = "INSERT INTO questions (topic, question, company) VALUES ('$topic', '$question', '$company')";
$sql1=mysqli_query($db, $query);
    die('Invalid query: ' . mysqli_error($db));

Fixes in your code 修正您的代码

  • The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead mysql扩展名已弃用,以后将被删除:改用mysqli或PDO

  • You need to quote your values ('$topic', '$question', '$company') 您需要引用您的值('$topic', '$question', '$company')

You have to put the values in single qoutes, if that are char types: 如果是char类型,则必须将值放在单个qoutes中:

$query = "INSERT INTO questions (topic, question, company) VALUES ('$topic', '$question', '$company')";

But you should not longer use the deprecated mysql_* API. 但是,您不应再使用已弃用的mysql_* API。 Use mysqli_* or PDO with prepared statements. mysqli_*或PDO与已准备好的语句一起使用。

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