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[英]Polymer undefined property in custom function

I use Polymer (v1.0) and I want to create a simple element which can show me some extra content depending on a property and it has to work with multiple values - aka simple " switch ". 我使用Polymer (v1.0),并且我想创建一个简单的元素,该元素可以根据属性显示一些额外的内容并且它必须使用多个值 -也就是简单的“ switch ”。

I wrote this code. 我写了这段代码。

    <template is="dom-if" if="{{checkFor('alfa')}}">
        hi !!!

        is: "...",

        properties: {
            for: String,
            user: String,
            manager: {
                type: Boolean,
                notify: true

        attached: function() {
            this.textContent = 'Hello World, my user is ' + (this.user || 'nobody') + '.\n' +
                    'This user is ' + (this.manager ? '' : 'not') + ' a manager and he likes ' + this.for + '.';

        checkFor: function (aaa) {
            // return aaa === this.for;

            this.textContent = 'Hello World, my user is ' + (this.user || 'nobody') + '.\n' +
                    'This user is ' + (this.manager ? '' : 'not') + ' a manager and he likes ' + this.for + '.';

My function checkFor is used to check if a value I want to have (for example 'alfa') is equal with element property/attribute for . 我的功能checkFor用来检查一个值我想要(例如“阿尔法”)是与元件特性/属性等于for

But it doesn't worked at all so I tried to check values using console.log(). 但这根本不起作用,因此我尝试使用console.log()检查值。 After than I discovered variable aaa contains 'alfa' and variable this.for contains undefined . 之后,我发现变量aaa包含'alfa',变量this.for包含undefined

Then I copied some output code I found which use element properties and it also did not work. 然后,我复制了一些发现的输出代码,这些代码使用了元素属性,并且也不起作用。 If I run the same code in attached function it works fine. 如果我在attached函数中运行相同的代码,则可以正常工作。

How can I use element properties in custom functions? 如何在自定义函数中使用元素属性?

The first time your checkFor function is called, this.for has not been defined yet. 第一次调用checkFor函数时,尚未定义this.for You can pass in for as a parameter to the function, as described in the documentation . 您可以按照文档中的说明for作为参数传递给函数。

<template is="dom-if" if="{{checkFor('alfa', for)}}">

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