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[英]How to remove hidden element from the array using recursive method

I am using Tree structure to show the types which are not hidden. 我正在使用Tree结构来显示未隐藏的类型。 For this i am deleting the type for which hidden = true which working fine perfectly 为此,我删除了hidden = true的类型,它可以正常工作

var filtertypes = function (types) {
    for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
      var type = types[i];
      if (type && !type.hidden) {
        if (type.text) {
          type.n = type.text
          type.id = type.id;
        if (type.children) {
      } else {
         types.splice(i, 1);
    return types;

But as this is not good to edit the data (ie types), so now i want to create a new array with only non-hidden values. 但是由于这不利于编辑数据(即类型),所以现在我想创建一个仅包含非隐藏值的新数组。 So i want a function to which i provide a types as a data and it returns me all the types which are not hidden. 所以我想要一个函数,我向该函数提供types作为数据,它返回所有未隐藏的类型。

Note:- types structure is as follow 注意:-类型结构如下

1    11    111
     12    121
2    21    211
     22    221 
3    31    311
     32    321 

Suppose 13, 121, 21, 31, 32 are hidden i should get output as follows 假设13、121、21、31、32是隐藏的,我应该得到如下输出


Where 1.children should be should get [11, 12] #as 13 is hidden
        11.children should be [111]
        12.children should be nil #as 121 is hidden
        3.children should be nil #as 31, 32 are hidden

You have to create new Arrays and Objects in every place where you modified the original before: 您必须在之前修改原始位置的每个位置创建新的数组和对象:

var filtertypes = function (types) {
    var newTypes = [];
    for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
      var type = types[i];
      if (type && !type.hidden) {
        var newType = extend({}, type); //replace extend with Object.assign, angular.extend or similar
        if (type.children) {
          newType.children = filtertypes(type.children);
    return newTypes;

You could also look into immutable datastructures, immutable.js , which might be helpful. 您还可以研究不可变的数据结构immutable.js ,这可能会有所帮助。

function filterInputs(types){
        types = types.filter(function(type){
              return false;
              type.n = type.text
              type.id = type.id;
           return true;

Just from my head. 只是从我的头。 Probably needs to be tested and tweak a little. 可能需要测试并稍作调整。

Use the Array.prototype.filter() function mdn 使用Array.prototype.filter()函数mdn

(Don't forget to create a copy of the original object if it should not be modified) (如果不应该修改原始对象,请不要忘记为其创建副本)

    var types = [
    {nr:1, hidden:false, children:[
        {nr:11, hidden:false, children:[{nr:111, hidden:false}]},
        {nr:12, hidden:false, children:[{nr:121, hidden:true}]},
        {nr:13, hidden:true}
    {nr:2, hidden:false, children:[
        {nr:21, hidden:true, children:[{nr:211, hidden:false}, {nr:212, hidden:false}]},
        {nr:22, hidden:false, children:[{nr:221, hidden:false}, {nr:222, hidden:false}]}
    {nr:3, hidden:false, children:[
        {nr:31, hidden:true, children:[{nr:311, hidden:false}, {nr:312, hidden:false}]},
        {nr:32, hidden:true, children:[{nr:321, hidden:false}, {nr:322, hidden:false}]}

// To ensure the original object tree isn't modified, deepclone it first
var copyOfTypes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(types))

// Filter the types array
var nonHiddenTypes = copyOfTypes.filter(filterTypes);

function filterTypes(type){
    if(type.hidden) {
        return false; // current item will NOT be in the new array

    if(type.children) {
        type.children = type.children.filter(filterTypes); // recursive filter the children

    return true; // current item will be in the new array

See JSFiddle 参见JSFiddle

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