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无法通过cRIO Real-Time编程访问LabVIEW共享变量

[英]LabVIEW Shared Variables cannot be programmatically accessed from cRIO Real-Time

I would like to use programmatic access to manipulate shared variables on a computer and an NI cRIO 9033, but cannot get programmatic access to shared variables on the cRIO. 我想使用编程访问来操作计算机和NI cRIO 9033上的共享变量,但无法通过编程访问cRIO上的共享变量。

I have boiled the situation down to a very simple example to try to explain what I am seeing. 我将情况简化为一个非常简单的示例,试图解释我所看到的。 The shared variables are hosted on the cRIO. 共享变量托管在cRIO上。 I am using the same VI to perform the accesses on the computer and the cRIO. 我正在使用相同的VI在计算机和cRIO上执行访问。 On the computer, access to the shared variable via a shared variable node and programmatic access both work. 在计算机上,可以通过共享变量节点访问共享变量,也可以通过编程方式访问。 On the cRIO, access to the shared variable via a shared variable node is functional, but programmatic access to the shared variable does not work. 在cRIO上,可以通过共享变量节点访问共享变量,但是无法以编程方式访问共享变量。

The error code received when trying to to a Read Variable or Open Variable Connection on the cRIO to the shared variable is -1950678943. 尝试在cRIO上与共享变量建立读取变量或打开变量连接时收到的错误代码为-1950678943。 The error text reads "Timed out while attempting to open a connection to the variable." 错误文本显示为“尝试打开与变量的连接时超时”。

I'm quickly becoming confused as to why the cRIO should have trouble reading a shared variable programmatically that is hosted on itself. 我很快就对为什么cRIO在以编程方式读取自身托管的共享变量时遇到麻烦感到困惑。 The web searches I have done haven't turned up such a simple scenario causing this error, so I'm wondering if I've stumbled into a beginner mistake. 我进行的网络搜索还没有出现导致这种错误的简单情况,所以我想知道我是否偶然发现了一个初学者错误。

Back Panel of the VI for accessing the shared variables: VI的后面板,用于访问共享变量:


Result of running VI on the computer (all shared variable accesses - via shared variable nodes or programmatic access work): 在计算机上运行VI的结果(所有共享变量访问-通过共享变量节点或编程访问工作):


Result of running VI on the cRIO (all attempts at shared variable programmatic access do not work): 在cRIO上运行VI的结果(对共享变量编程访问的所有尝试均无效):


EDIT: I appreciate the help troubleshooting this, but in the end I couldn't get shared variables to work for my application of programmatic access from a CompactRIO. 编辑:我感谢帮助解决此问题,但最后我无法使共享变量对从CompactRIO进行程序访问的应用程序起作用。 I instead chose to use Network Streams , which seem to function fairly well. 相反,我选择使用“ 网络流” ,它似乎运行得很好。 Upside: Connection details between my client and server can be better encapsulated, since shared variables no longer need to be given to them to allow communication. 好处:客户端和服务器之间的连接详细信息可以更好地封装,因为不再需要将共享变量提供给它们以进行通信。 Downside: a bit more book-keeping to ensure that both reader and writer to the Network Stream are connected correctly (I found this dissection at National Instrument's forum useful when formulating that logic). 缺点:要多做一些记账工作,以确保网络流的读写器都正确连接(我在National Forum的论坛上发现了这种剖析在阐述这种逻辑时很有用)。

It is difficult for me to reproduce your problem without your architecture. 如果没有您的体系结构,我很难重现您的问题。 Could you try making a test VI with the structure shown here and let me know what happens? 您能否尝试使用此处显示的结构制作一个测试VI,让我知道会发生什么? (Plug in your variable library path where I have an empty library constant). (将您的变量库路径插入其中有一个空库常量的位置)。


A couple of things to note: 需要注意的几件事:

  1. You want to open a connection to the variable, read from or write to the variable (or access properties), and close the connection in series. 您要打开到变量的连接,读取或写入变量(或访问属性),然后关闭串联连接。 Ideally if you will be doing lots of reading and writing, you only open the variable once and close it once at the start and end of your program. 理想情况下,如果您要进行大量的读写操作,则只需打开变量一次,然后在程序的开始和结束时将其关闭一次。 It is important that you explicitly force LabVIEW to open the connection before reading/writing though. 但是,在读写之前,明确强制LabVIEW打开连接非常重要。
  2. By wiring the stop condition on your For loop, you can get some idea of which (if only one) variable is giving you a problem. 通过在For循环上连接停止条件,您可以了解哪个变量(如果只有一个)给您带来了问题。 The For loop will quit on the variable the throws the error, and your Variable Names output will only show values up to that variable. For循环将在该变量上退出并引发错误,并且您的“ Variable Names输出将仅显示该变量之前的值。
  3. You could use the Read Variable VI instead of accessing the variables name with the Variable Property Node , but I figured the name would help you locate which variable is causing the problem. 您可以使用Read Variable VI,而不用Variable Property Node访问变量名称,但我认为该名称将帮助您找到引起问题的变量。

Hopefully just explicitly opening a connection before reading from your variable will solve the problem, but let me know what ends up happening on your end. 希望读取变量之前先显式打开连接即可解决该问题,但请让我知道最终会发生什么。

Edit: 编辑:

After a bit of discussion, I modified the VI to include a short delay at the beginning before we try to access the shared variable engine. 经过一番讨论,在尝试访问共享变量引擎之前,我对VI进行了修改,使其在开始时包含一小段延迟。 The shared variable engine needs a bit of time to start up, so it could be failing to start up before timing out. 共享变量引擎需要一点时间才能启动,因此它可能在超时之前无法启动。 You could adjust the delay a bit and see if that solves the problem. 您可以稍微调整一下延迟,看看是否可以解决问题。

Here are some additional troubleshooting tips from NI. 以下是NI提供的一些其他故障排除技巧 A big one to double-check is that your shared variables are, in fact, deployed. 需要仔细检查的一个重要方面是,实际上已经部署了共享变量。 If you can access them from the PC though, then I would imagine that they are deployed. 如果您可以从PC上访问它们,那么我可以想象它们已部署。

Another thing to note: if you are using your variables in a loop on your RT machine, make sure that there is some delay between iterations of the loop. 需要注意的另一件事:如果您在RT机器的循环中使用变量,请确保循环迭代之间存在一定的延迟。 The shared variable engine can get starved out by RT loops if they do not leave time for the processor to handle lower-priority tasks. 如果共享变量引擎没有为处理器留出时间来处理较低优先级的任务,它们可能会被RT循环饿死。

Lastly, just wanted to throw up a link to the documentation on network shared variables. 最后,只想抛出一个指向网络共享变量文档的链接。 There is a lot of useful information in there, although I am not sure that it necessarily helps with this issue. 尽管我不确定它是否一定有助于解决此问题,但其中有很多有用的信息。

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