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[英]How to access variables from an extended class in ruby

In most languages you can do something like the following: 在大多数语言中,您可以执行以下操作:

class a {
    this.property = 'prop'

class b extends a {
    puts this.property //prints 'prop'

How does this work in ruby? 红宝石如何工作? My initial thought was something like 我最初的想法是

class A
    @property = 'prop'

class B < A
    puts @property

But this doesn't work. 但这是行不通的。 Ruby has the self keyword but that seems from what I can tell to be reserved for methods. Ruby有self关键字,但是从我的判断看来,它似乎是为方法保留的。 Can classes inherit variables in ruby? 类可以在ruby中继承变量吗?

Yes they can, and here's a snippet that shows how. 是的,他们可以,并且下面的代码片段演示了如何操作。

class A2
  def initialize
    @foo = 42

class B2 < A2
  def print_foo
    puts @foo

# Prints 42

The above code defines a class A2 , with a constructor that defines and sets an instance variable @foo . 上面的代码定义了一个类A2 ,并带有一个定义并设置实例变量@foo Class B2 extends A2 , and defines a method that uses @foo . B2类扩展了A2 ,并定义了一个使用@foo的方法。

I think the issue with your code is that @property is not assigned a value, as the assignment isn't in a method that gets called at any point. 我认为您的代码存在的问题是@property没有分配值,因为分配没有在任何时候被调用的方法中。

Yes. 是。 You need to init instance variables in the initialize method. 您需要在initialize方法中初始化实例变量。

See an example: 看一个例子:

class A
  attr_accessor :property  

  def initialize
    self.property = 'prop'

class B < A

puts B.new.property # prints "prop"

Variables starting with an @ sigil are instance variables . 开头的变量@印记是实例变量 They belong to a particular instance (ie "object"). 它们属于特定实例(即“对象”)。

You have two objects in your code, one object is the class A , the second object is the class B . 您的代码中有两个对象,一个对象是A类,第二个对象是B类。 Each of those two objects has its own instance variables. 这两个对象中的每一个都有其自己的实例变量。

A has an instance variable called @property with the value 'prop' . A有一个名为@property的实例变量,其值是'prop' B has no instance variables, however, uninitialized instance variables evaluate to nil instead of raising an exception, so, you don't get an error, but it evaluates to nil . B没有实例变量,但是,未初始化的实例变量的值为nil而不是引发异常,因此,您不会收到错误,但其值为nil

You cant' inherit variables. 你不能继承变量。 The only thing you can inherit in Ruby, are methods: 在Ruby中唯一可以继承的是方法:

class A
  def self.property

class B < A
  puts property
# prop

Ruby also has class variables that start with an @@ sigil. Ruby还具有以@@ sigil开头的类变量。 These are shared across the entire class hierarchy: 这些在整个类层次结构中共享:

class A
  @@property= 'prop'

class B < A
  puts @@property
# prop

However, class variables are almost never used in Ruby, because of the wide scope they have, almost like globals. 但是,类变量几乎从未在Ruby中使用,因为它们的作用域很广,就像全局变量一样。

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