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如何在ASP.NET Page_Load上发送表单

[英]How to send form on ASP.NET Page_Load

i have a send post page A like this: 我有一个这样的发送帖子页面:

<form name="main" action="testReceiveOrder.aspx" method="post" >
    <input type="hidden" id="rqXML" name="rqXML" value="123"/>

And another page B.cs to get post: 另一个页面B.cs进行发布:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Request.Params["rqXML"] != null)

But i don't know how to trigger post in page A.cs Page_Load ? 但是我不知道如何在A.cs Page_Load页面中触发帖子?

In page A.cs Page_Load i want to get some data and make a xml put into value then send this form. 在A.cs Page_Load页中,我想获取一些数据并在xml中添加值,然后发送此表单。

Can you please tell me how to do this? 你能告诉我该怎么做吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Just do something like this: 只是做这样的事情:

if(!Request.QueryString["rqXML"].IsEmpty() ) {
     // Do something here

then if there is a value, just do what you need with it.... IsPostBack should be used only when you are processing an "action" after Loading it AFTER the first time.... 那么,如果有一个值,就用它来做就可以了。...IsPostBack仅在第一次加载后处理“动作”时才使用。

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