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[英]Batch file runs fine in command prompt but gives error when double-clicked

I have a batch file that accepts store numbers and sets them to an array and then iterates through the array. 我有一个批处理文件,它接受商店编号并将其设置为数组,然后遍历该数组。 When I double click my batch file it gives the error: 当我双击批处理文件时,出现错误:

256 was unexpected at this time.

But when I run it from the console/command prompt it runs fine. 但是,当我从控制台/命令提示符运行它时,它运行良好。

Here is my code. 这是我的代码。

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set index=0

set /a index=index + 1
set /P store[%index%]=Enter SLC store number: 

set /P answer=Do you want to enter another store number (Y/N): 

if /i "%answer%" == "n" (
    set length=%index%
    goto next

if /i "%answer%" == "y" (
    goto getstore 
) else goto ask

for /L %%i in (1,1,%length%) do (
    if %store% LSS 256 (
        for /L %%k in (1,1,5) do ping 192.168.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "TTL"
    if %store% GTR 255 (    
        set /a store=%store% - 255
        for /L %%k in (1,1,5) do ping 10.0.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "TTL"

When you double click a batch file, a new cmd instance will be executed, one instance where store has not been initialized, so the line 双击批处理文件时,将执行一个新的cmd实例,其中一个实例尚未初始化store ,因此该行

if %store% LSS 256 (

fails as %store% is empty. 由于%store%为空而失败。

Thanks MC ND! 谢谢MC ND!

Your comment got me thinking. 您的评论让我开始思考。

When I was calling store in the if statement I needed to use the !! 当我在if语句中调用store时,我需要使用!! and also the index. 还有索引

This is my edited (now working) code: 这是我编辑过的代码(现在可以正常使用):

for /L %%i in (1,1,%length%) do (
    for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%j in ("%store[%%i]%") do set store[%%i]=%%j
    if !store[%%i]! LSS 256 (
        for /L %%k in (1,1,5) do ping 192.168.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "TTL"
    if !store[%%i]! GTR 255 (   
        set /a store=%store% - 255
        for /L %%k in (1,1,5) do ping 10.0.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "TTL"


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