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为Windows编译一个UNIX make文件

[英]Compiling a unix make file for windows

I have a c-program which includes a make file that works fine on unix systems. 我有一个C程序,其中包含一个可以在Unix系统上正常工作的make文件。 Although I would like to compile the program for windows using this make file, how can i go around doing that? 尽管我想使用此make文件为Windows编译程序,但是我该如何解决呢?

Additionally I have python scripts that call this c-program using ctypes, I don't imagine I will have to much of an issue getting ctypes working on windows but i heard its possible to include all the python and c scripts in one .exe for windows, has anyone heard of that? 另外,我有使用ctypes调用此c程序的python脚本,我不认为在Windows上使用ctypes会遇到很多问题,但是我听说有可能在一个.exe中包含所有python和c脚本。 Windows,有人听说过吗?

对第一段的回答:将MinGW用于编译器(如果需要,请使用Google -w64 ,有-w64版本),并为最小环境(包括Makefile可能需要的shell工具)使用MSYS

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