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[英]How to lazy load images vertically & horizontally?

My website has a image grid, which has horizontal and vertical scroll. 我的网站有一个图像网格,它具有水平和垂直滚动。 I want to load images which are vertically places first and then horizontal images, all of them lazily. 我想先加载垂直放置的图像,然后再加载水平放置的图像,所有这些图像都是懒惰的。

In other words, when user scroll down vertical images should load lazily and when user scrolls horizontally images the horizontal images should load lazily. 换句话说,当用户向下滚动时,垂直图像应延迟加载;当用户向下滚动时,水平图像应延迟加载。 I tried using lazyload , but I'm not able to use get it working for both vertical and horizontal images container. 我尝试使用lazyload ,但无法使用它来同时处理垂直和水平图像容器。

Only horizontal or vertical scrolling is working at a time. 一次只能进行水平或垂直滚动​​。 I want both of them to work! 我要他们两个一起工作!

My test code is as follows, 我的测试代码如下,

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $(function() {
effect : "fadeIn",
container: $("#hcontainer")

<style type="text/css">
#hcontainer {
    height: 800px;
    overflow: scroll;
#inner_container {
      width: 4750px;

<div id="vcontainer">
<div id="hcontainer">
    <div id="inner_container">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="1.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="BMW M1 Hood">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="2.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="BMW M1 Side">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="3.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Viper 1">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="4.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Viper Corner">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="5.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="BMW M3 GT">
          <img class="lazy" data-original="6.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Corvette Pitstop">
        <img class="lazy img-responsive" data-original="2.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="BMW M1 Side"><br/>
        <img class="lazy img-responsive" data-original="3.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Viper 1"><br/>
        <img class="lazy img-responsive" data-original="4.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Viper Corner"><br/>
        <img class="lazy img-responsive" data-original="5.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="BMW M3 GT"><br/>
        <img class="lazy img-responsive" data-original="6.jpg" width="765" height="574" alt="Corvette Pitstop"><br/>

It isn't working as I want it to be. 它没有按我希望的那样工作。 Can anyone help me with it? 有人可以帮我吗?

Please see following pic for the output, I need vertical images to be loaded lazily as well, which isn't happening. 请参见下面的输出图片,我也需要延迟加载垂直图像,这是没有发生的。 在此处输入图片说明

I would suggest, that you try lazySizes . 我建议您尝试使用lazySizes The big difference to other lazyloaders is, that lazySizes automatically detects visibility changes without configuration. 与其他lazyloader的最大区别在于,lazySizes无需配置即可自动检测可见性更改。

This allows separation of concerns, because you don't need to touch your JS lazyloader configuration, in case you change your CSS and add a scroll container or add images inside a mega menu and such things. 这可以使关注点分离,因为如果您更改CSS并添加滚动容器或在大型菜单内添加图像,则无需触摸JS lazyloader配置。

Everything you need to do, is to add the lazysizes script and use data-src instead of src and add the class lazyload . 您需要做的所有事情就是添加lazysizes脚本并使用data-src而不是src并添加类lazyload

Add this to also assign the lazyload to the images that are not in the #hcontainer 添加此选项还可将延迟加载分配给#hcontainer中没有的#hcontainer

 $(function() {
    $(":not(#hcontainer) img.lazy").lazyload({
        effect: "fadeIn"

        effect: "fadeIn",
        container: $("#hcontainer")

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