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[英]javascript - enable a plugin if width is greater than 767px?

I am trying to write some javascript/jquery that will allow me to enable a slideshow plugin if the viewport width is greater than 767px. 我正在尝试编写一些javascript / jquery,如果视口宽度大于767px,将允许我启用幻灯片插件。

If it is less than said value, it should simply display a background image in the body and disable the plugin 如果小于所述值,则应仅在主体中显示背景图像并禁用插件

Currently i cannot get the plugin to display when the width is > 767px but the background image does show when less 目前,当宽度> 767px时,我无法显示该插件,但是当宽度小于767px时,背景图像确实会显示

any help would be appreciated 任何帮助,将不胜感激

CODE: 码:

$(window).on('resize', function() {
           if($(this).width() < 767) {
               $("#example, body").vegas();

           } else {
               $("#example, body").vegas({
            transition: 'fade',
            cover: true,
            align: 'center',
            valign: 'center',
            preload: true,
            preloadImage: true,
            slides: [
                {src: "img/slideshow/img1wB-E.jpg"},
                {src: "img/slideshow/img2-2.jpg"}



Why not just create a CSS entry with the min-width 767, so if its below that, it wouldn't show up. 为什么不创建一个最小宽度为767的CSS条目,所以如果它低于该宽度,则不会显示。

@media (min-width: 767px) {
    .specialSlideshow {
      width: 750px; } 
@media (min-width: 0px) {
    .specialSlideshow {
      display:none; } 

So, you could potentially wrap a div with class specialSlideshow around your slideshow code, if its below 767px, it wont show. 因此,您可能会在幻灯片显示代码周围包装一个带有specialSlideshow类的div,如果它低于767px,则不会显示。

Did you include 你包括了吗

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/js/vegas/vegas.min.css"> <script src="/js/vegas/vegas.min.js"></script> 

in the .html? 在.html中?

And did you mean to delay it by 10 secs? 您是要延迟10秒吗?

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