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黑客可以超越桌面应用程序的Internet http剩余呼叫吗?

[英]Can a hacker surpass internet http rest calls from desktop application?


实际上,黑客可以通过REST API,监视HTTP流量来弄清楚您要检查的日期,然后将API的DNS名称更改为本地本地主机,并为您提供伪造的REST API响应。

Sure, any software running on the desktop can be decompiled or reverse engineered. 当然,可以对在台式机上运行的任何软件进行反编译或反向工程。 Then a patch can be created to disable any security features you've build into the application. 然后可以创建补丁以禁用您已内置到应用程序中的所有安全功能。

But this requires a lot of work. 但这需要大量工作。 Not many applications are valuable enough for some hacker to spend so much time on it. 没有多少应用程序有价值,足以让某些黑客花很多时间在上面。

As others have already replied, it's trivially easy to intercept http(s) requests made to a server. 正如其他人已经回答的那样,截取对服务器的http(s)请求非常容易。 Why don't you just use the date/time from the machine/device itself? 您为什么不只使用机器/设备本身的日期/时间? Not many people will be willing to live with a date set back on their machine just to run your software illegally. 没有多少人愿意将日期设在他们的计算机上只是为了非法运行您的软件。

The real problem is where do you store that date. 真正的问题是该日期存储在哪里。 The first time the user legitimately installs your trail, that date won't be present. 用户首次合法安装您的足迹时,该日期将不存在。 What is to prevent users from deleting that date and starting the trail period over? 是什么防止用户删除该日期并重新开始跟踪期限?

To protect yourself from all this, run (parts of) your software in the cloud. 为了保护自己不受所有这些影响,请在云中运行(部分)软件。 But in that case, you'll need an authentication mechanism for your users. 但是在这种情况下,您需要为用户提供身份验证机制。

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