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[英]Regex may contain a character

I have 2 kinds of data. 我有2种数据。

One data is something like this 一个数据是这样的


and the another data like this 和另一个这样的数据


I wanna get the ws value, like 我想获得ws值,比如


But i got problems for split the ";" 但是因为分裂“我”而遇到了问题。 character. 字符。 Because sometime the data have the character, but sometimes it doesn't have that character. 因为有时数据具有该字符,但有时它没有该字符。

I already tried using 我已经尝试过了




and I still doesn't get the correct data. 我仍然没有得到正确的数据。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

You can use: 您可以使用:


and grab captured group #1 并抓住被捕获的组#1

RegEx Demo RegEx演示

([^;]*) will match 0 or more of any character that is not ; ([^;]*)将匹配0或更多任何不符合的字符;

I would use this: 我会用这个:


Try it online: http://regexr.com/3bfbv 在线试用: http//regexr.com/3bfbv

  • ws= searches for that exact text ws=搜索该确切文本
  • ( starts the matching group (启动匹配组
  • .*? searches for any characters, but as few characters as possbile ("non-greedy") 搜索任何字符,但尽可能少的字符 (“非贪婪”)
  • ) stops the matching group )停止匹配组
  • (;|$) searches for either a ; (;|$)搜索a ; or the end of the text (or the line) 或文本的末尾(或行)

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