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[英]How to get input in child process from custom node REPL

I am trying to create a node repl, and want to spawn a child process, which could take user input, then return control back to repl. 我正在尝试创建一个节点repl,并希望产生一个子进程,该进程可以接受用户输入,然后将控制权返回给repl。

... contents of main repl file ( a.js ) ...主repl文件( a.js )的内容

  var repl = require("repl"),
    spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

  function eval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {

    var child = spawn('node', ['./b.js']);


    child.on('close', function (code) {
      callback(code, 'closing callback');


    prompt: 'repl> ',
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout,
    eval: eval
  }).on('exit', function () {


... contents of script called in child process ( b.js ) ...在子进程( b.js )中调用的脚本的内容


  promptly = require('promptly');

  promptly.prompt('some question: ', function (err, answer) {


When I run node b all is as expected... 当我运行node b一切都如预期...

$ node b
some question: something

But called from repl, it gets into loop, where it keeps asking question, never returns to repl... 但是从repl调用后,它进入循环,不断询问问题,再也没有返回repl ...

$ node a
repl> anything
some question: my answer
some question: another answer
some question: etc...

It seems that the stdin is not being captured in the child process, and it is still being captured in repl. 似乎stdin并未在子进程中被捕获,并且仍在repl中被捕获。

How do I pass control to child process, until it is complete, then pass back to parent? 如何将控制权传递给子进程,直到完成,然后再传递回父进程?

nb I am open to using any other means of creating child process. nb我愿意使用任何其他方式来创建子进程。

A few changes to a.js should make this work. a.js进行一些更改即可a.js这项工作。 You need to pipe stdin input from the main repl process to the stdin of the child process using process.stdin.pipe(child.stdin); 您需要使用process.stdin.pipe(child.stdin); repl进程的stdin输入通过管道传递到子进程的stdin process.stdin.pipe(child.stdin);

To get the data back from the child process you need to pipe child.stdout to process.stdin using child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); 为了获取数据需要从你到管子进程回到child.stdoutprocess.stdin使用child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);

Perhaps there is a better way of tracking child processes. 也许有更好的跟踪子进程的方法。 But I added a flag to mark if a child is spawned or not, and reset it when the child process closes. 但是我添加了一个标记来标记是否生成了一个子代,并在子代进程关闭时将其重置。

Lastly, when the child process ends, resume the main processes stdin with process.stdin.resume(); 最后,当子进程结束时,使用process.stdin.resume();恢复主进程stdin process.stdin.resume(); , otherwise the repl will stop on the next input. ,否则repl将在下一个输入时停止。

  var repl = require("repl"),
    spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

  var child_spawned = false;
  function eval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {
    // don't start a new child process if one is already running
    if(child_spawned) return;

    var child = spawn('node', ['./b.js']);
    child_spawned = true;

    // pipe child output back up to parent process
    // pipe the main process input to the child process

    child.on('close', function (code) {
      callback(code, 'closing callback');

      // mark child process as closed
      child_spawned = false;

      // resume the main process stdin after child ends so the repl continues to run


    prompt: 'repl> ',
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout,
    eval: eval
  }).on('exit', function () {


I solved this by using a combination of spawnSync (to simplify flow) and { stdio: 'inherit' } as passed option... 我通过结合使用spawnSync (以简化流程)和{ stdio: 'inherit' }作为传递选项来解决此问题...

  var repl = require("repl"),
    spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;

  function eval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {
    spawnSync('node', ['./b.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' });

    prompt: 'repl> ',
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout,
    eval: eval
  }).on('exit', function () {


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