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在Java Swing中使用HTML描边文本

[英]Stroke text with HTML in Java Swing

I'm using this string for a Java swing JLabel: 我将此字符串用于Java swing JLabel:

"<html>\n" +
"<head><style>\n" +
"p {    color: white;\n" +
"    text-shadow:\n" +
"    -1px -1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    1px -1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    -1px 1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    1px 1px 0 #000; }" +
"</style></head>\n" +
"<body><p>testing123</p></body>\n" +

Which is a slightly modified example I found of how to stroke the outline around text with HTML. 我发现了一个稍作修改的示例,该示例说明了如何使用HTML在文本周围描边。 When I do this, "testing123" shows up in white (or whatever color I place of white), which is good, but no shadow or outline is ever visible, regardless of background. 当我这样做时,“ testing123”以白色(或我放置在白色处的任何颜色)显示为白色,这很好,但是无论背景如何,都看不到阴影或轮廓。 This works on the w3schools css tester page. 这在w3schools CSS测试器页面上有效。 I read that it only works on certain browsers, so I'm guessing that excludes swing? 我读到它仅在某些浏览器上有效,所以我猜想这不包括秋千吗? Is there any way to make this work? 有什么办法可以使这项工作吗?

I read that it only works on certain browsers, so I'm guessing that excludes swing? 我读到它仅在某些浏览器上有效,所以我猜想这不包括秋千吗?

You guessed right! 你猜对了! Swing's HTML support includes a sub-set of HTML 3.2 . Swing的HTML支持包括HTML 3.2子集 The CSS support is equally patchy and incomplete. CSS支持同样不完整且不完整。

Is there any way to make this work? 有什么办法可以使这项工作吗?

The Java-FX based WebView would seem to be the best approach. 基于Java-FX的WebView似乎是最好的方法。 Java-FX based components can be embedded into Swing apps. 可以将基于Java-FX的组件嵌入到Swing应用程序中。

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