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[英]Changing glyphicons on click + table header colour change

Essentially I am using chevrons glyphicon-chevron-down for sort buttons on a set table headers. 本质上,我使用人字形glyphicon-chevron-down来设置表头上的排序按钮。 When you click on a chevron it will sort the table in descending order and when you click it a second time it sort in an ascending order and so on and so forth. 当您单击人字形时,它将以降序对表格进行排序;当您再次单击它时,将按升序对表格进行排序,依此类推。 If you click on a different column's chevron, it will sort first by descending and then the above applies 如果单击其他列的人字形,它将首先按降序排序,然后适用

I wish to make it so when you click on a chevron it alternates between glyphicon-chevron-down and glyphicon-chevron-up . 我希望做到这一点,所以当您单击人字形时,它会在glyphicon-chevron-downglyphicon-chevron-up之间glyphicon-chevron-down Do note there needs to be some sort of logic to make it so clicking on another column won't change the chevron to a glyphicon-chevron-up on the first click as it will be first sorting in the descending order. 请注意,必须有某种逻辑才能使之单击,因此单击另一列将不会在第一次单击时将glyphicon-chevron-up更改为glyphicon-chevron-up ,因为它将首先按照降序排序。

Additionally I'm trying to make it so the table header with the chevron that got clicked changes colour and will return to the previous colour when a different chevron is clicked. 另外,我正在尝试使其具有被单击的人字形的表标题更改颜色,并在单击其他人字形时返回到先前的颜色。

Any assistance for either of the problems will be greatly appreciated. 对于任何一个问题的任何帮助将不胜感激。 Here is a sample of the code for reference. 这是代码示例供参考。


<th>Header1<span ng-click="setOrderProperty('c.name')" class="glyphicon glyphiconsort glyphicon-chevron-down pull-right"></span></th>

<th>Header2<span ng-click="setOrderProperty('c.name2')" class="glyphicon glyphiconsort glyphicon-chevron-down pull-right"></span></th>

<th>Header3<span ng-click="setOrderProperty('c.name3')" class="glyphicon glyphiconsort glyphicon-chevron-down pull-right"></span></th>

The JavaScript JavaScript

$scope.setOrderProperty = function(propertyName) {
        if ($scope.orderProperty === propertyName) {
            $scope.orderProperty = '-' + propertyName;
        } else if ($scope.orderProperty === '-' + propertyName) {
            $scope.orderProperty = propertyName;
        } else {
            $scope.orderProperty = propertyName;

What you need is ng-class . 您需要的是ng-class

Maintain a status property on your scope. 在您的范围内维护一个status属性。 Clicking on the header will set this property: 单击标题将设置此属性:

$scope.activeColumn = '';
$scope.ascending = '';
$scope.setOrderProperty = function (activeColumn) {
    // If clicking on the current column, reverse ascending/descending
    if ($scope.activeColumn === activeColumn) {
        $scope.ascending = !$scope.ascending;
    $scope.activeColumn = activeColumn;

For your HTML: 对于您的HTML:

<th>Header1<span ng-click="setOrderProperty(c.name)" ng-class="{ 
        'active': activeColumn === c.name, 
        'glyphicon-chevron-down': ascending === false, 
        'glyphicon-chevron-up': ascending === true
    }" class="glyphicon glyphiconsort pull-right"></span></th>

<th>Header2<span ng-click="setOrderProperty('c.name2')" ...

<th>Header3<span ng-click="setOrderProperty('c.name3')" ...

In your CSS, set the styles of class active for the selected column for sorting. 在CSS中,为选定的列设置active的类样式以进行排序。

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