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[英]Deploy app with dokku to default http port (80)

I have a problem having my application accessible through standard 8080 port on digital ocean. 我无法通过数字海洋上的标准8080端口访问我的应用程序。 My DNS settings is: example.com is linked to some completely different IP api.example.com is linked to my digital ocean droplet IP. 我的DNS设置是:example.com链接到一些完全不同的IP api.example.com链接到我的数字海洋滴IP。

My dokku instance VHOST file is set to "api.example.com" and HOSTNAME file also to "api.example.com". 我的dokku实例VHOST文件设置为“ api.example.com”,而HOSTNAME文件也设置为“ api.example.com”。 After I push my application to this dokku instance, the last line says "Application deployed: http://api.example.com ". 将应用程序推送到此dokku实例后,最后一行显示“应用程序已部署: http ://api.example.com”。 However even after this, my application is not accessible on api.example.com but only on api.example.com:49204. 但是,即使在此之后,我的应用程序也无法在api.example.com上访问,而只能在api.example.com:49204上访问。

I think I miss something but I don't know what, because I was not able to find a tutorial dealing with the exact strings that need to be configured for dokku. 我想我错过了一些东西,但我不知道是什么,因为我找不到能够处理需要为dokku配置的确切字符串的教程。

dokku config:unset NO_VHOST


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