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如何使用Ajax replaceWith(Django表单的{%csrf_token%})

[英]How to Ajax replaceWith(Django form's {% csrf_token %})

I'm trying to replace a 'reply' button with a form in my Django app. 我正在尝试用Django应用程序中的表单替换“回复”按钮。


Here's my Javascript code: 这是我的Javascript代码:

$(document).on('click', '.comment-reply-link', function(e) {
$(this).replaceWith("<form method='post'>{% csrf_token %}<div class='form-group'><label for='comment'>Comment:</label><textarea class='form-control' id='comment' rows='5' maxlength='300' minlength='1' name='comment' placeholder='Tell us how you loved this product :D'></textarea></div><button type='submit' name='post_comment' value='True'>Comment</button></form>");});
// The replacing line should contain no whitespace.
// Otherwise it will raise Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

I get the form element but the problem is that {% csrf_token %} is processed as just unicode in replaceWith(). 我得到了form元素,但问题是{%csrf_token%}在replaceWith()中只是作为Unicode处理。 {% csrf_token %} is necessary in Django to submit a form. 在Django中,必须使用{%csrf_token%}才能提交表单。 Any kind of help and advice will be thankful :) 任何形式的帮助和建议将不胜感激:)


Edit: I assume that {% %} means that Django needs to be involved to retrieve the right value. 编辑:我假设{%%}意味着Django需要参与以检索正确的值。 So I thought I should render an html page with form and update that form with 'reply' button. 因此,我认为我应该使用表单呈现html页面,并使用“回复”按钮更新该表单。 Here's my logic. 这是我的逻辑。

view.html view.html

<div class="reply">
<a class='comment-reply-link' href='{% url "rango:reply_form" %}'aria-label='Reply to Araujo'>Reply</a>

reply.js Reply.js

function ajax_get_update(item){
$.get(url, function(results){
//get the parts of the result you want to update. Just select the needed parts of the response
// var reply_form = $("#reply_form", results);
var reply_form = $(".head", results);

//update the ajax_table_result with the return value
}, "html");

$(document).on('click', '.reply', function(e) {
url = ($( '.comment-reply-link' )[0].href);

reply_form.html reply_form.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
... code omitted ....
<form id="reply_form" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="form-group">
   <label for="comment">Reply:</label>
   <textarea class="form-control" id="comment" rows="5" maxlength="300" minlength="1" name="comment" placeholder="Tell us how you loved this product :D"></textarea>
<button type="submit" name="post_comment" value="True">Reply</button>


When I click the reply button, the button disappears but nothing updates. 当我单击“答复”按钮时,该按钮消失,但没有任何更新。 The html page variable results gets the correct html page data but it seems like html页面变量结果获取正确的html页面数据,但似乎


is not working right. 工作不正常。 Because when I do 因为当我做

$(item).html('<p>button disappears</p>'); 

the paragraph will appear. 该段将出现。 Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

To use django template language in javascript you should encapsulate your code in a Verbatim tag. 要在javascript中使用django模板语言,您应该将代码封装在Verbatim标记中。

example : 例如:

{% verbatim %}  
    var hello = {% if some_condition %} 'World' {% else %} 'foobar' {% endif %};
{% endverbatim %}

From the docs : Stops the template engine from rendering the contents of this block tag. 来自docs:停止模板引擎呈现此block标记的内容。 A common use is to allow a JavaScript template layer that collides with Django's syntax 通常的用途是允许与Django语法冲突的JavaScript模板层

In your case : 在您的情况下:

    {% verbatim  %}
        $(document).on('click', '.comment-reply-link', function(e) {
            $(this).replaceWith("<form method='post'>  {% csrf_token %}  </form>")
    {% endverbatim %}

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