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[英]POST new value using ng-change

I'm attempting to fire off a POST request upon selection of an option within my Angular app. 我试图在Angular应用中选择一个选项后触发POST请求。 Below is my current code. 下面是我当前的代码。


<select ng-options="option for option in linked.maxOptions" ng-model="linked.selectedMax" ng-change="linked.changeMax()"></select>

Controller: 控制器:

var playerId = $routeParams.playerId;

vm.changeMax = function() {
    playerId: playerId,
    max: vm.selectedMax
    return res.success;
  }, function(res) {
    alert('Couldn\'t update number of points to ' + vm.selectedMax + ':' + res.success);

Service: 服务:

  .factory('playersService', ['$resource',
    function($resource) {
      var base = '/api/players/:playerId/';
      return $resource(base, {}, {
        setMaxPoints: {method: 'POST', url: base + 'maxPoints/' + ':max'}

The problem is that my parameters are not being passed to my service method for some reason as it attempts to hit this endpoint: 问题是由于某种原因,我的参数由于试图到达此端点而未传递给我的服务方法:


Where does playerId come from? playerId来自哪里? It's not declared nor passed as a parameter to your changeMax function. 它没有声明,也没有作为参数传递给changeMax函数。

Here is how I declare resources. 这是我声明资源的方式。 The syntax is a bit easier than yours so it's less error prone: 语法比您的语法容易一点,因此不易出错:

  .factory('ActivityData', function($resource) {
    return $resource('/service/data/:userEmail/:dataType', {dataType: 'all'},
        getTotals: {method:'GET', cache: true, params: { dataType: 'total'}}


The issue was in my controller. 问题出在我的控制器上。 I was handling a POST request just like I handle GET requests which apparently does not work. 我正在处理POST请求,就像处理显然无法正常工作的GET请求一样。 I needed to pass a second, in this case empty, object to my service method call to get things working. 我需要向我的服务方法调用传递第二个对象(在这种情况下为空),以使事情正常进行。 I believe this is where you would pass any 'body' of data to your service call: 我相信这是您将任何“主体”数据传递给服务电话的地方:

vm.changeMax = function() {
    playerId: playerId,
    max: vm.selectedMax
  }, {}).$promise.then(function(res){
    return res.success;
  }, function(res) {
    alert('Couldn\'t update number of points to ' + vm.selectedMax + ':' + res.success);

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