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如何使用MVC4 C#从ActionResult传递和读取bitearray到另一个

[英]How to pass and read a bitearray from ActionResult to Another using MVC4 C#

I was given a requirement to pass a MemoryStream from one ActionResult to another. 我被要求从一个ActionResult传递MemoryStream到另一个ActionResult。 In order to do this I am trying to pass a byte array from one action result to another action result, here's my code. 为了做到这一点,我试图将一个动作结果的字节数组传递给另一个动作结果,这是我的代码。

private MemoryStream GetSamplePdf(string name)
    var ms = new MemoryStream();
    using (var doc = new Document(PageSize.A4))
        using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms))
            writer.CloseStream = false;
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(name));
    return ms;

public ActionResult PdfSpider()
    var elem1 = PdfA();
    var elem2 = PdfB();

    return new EmptyResult();

public ActionResult PdfA()
    var Pdfa = GetSamplePdf("A");

    return Json(Pdfa.GetBuffer(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

public ActionResult PdfB()
    var Pdfb = GetSamplePdf("B");
    return Json(Pdfb.GetBuffer(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

How may I read the values returned from Pdfa and Pdfb and construct individual memory streams inside the spider action result? 如何读取从Pdfa和Pdfb返回的值,并在Spider动作结果内部构造各个内存流?

The Json method returns a JsonResult , which in turn has a Data property containing the byte buffer. Json方法返回一个JsonResult ,而JsonResult具有一个包含字节缓冲区的Data属性。

So, inside PdfSpider you can cast back the ActionResult to JsonResult , get the Byte buffer from Data and reconstruct a MemoryStream : 因此,在PdfSpider内部,您可以将ActionResult退回给JsonResult ,从Data获取Byte缓冲区并重建MemoryStream

var bytebufferA = (byte[])((JsonResult)PdfA()).Data;
var bytebufferB = (byte[])((JsonResult)PdfB()).Data;
var streamA = new MemoryStream(bytebufferA);
var streamB = new MemoryStream(bytebufferB);

A better solution would be (imo) to write internal functions GetStreamA() and GetStreamB() and use them by both PdfA() / PdfB() and PdfSpider like 更好的解决方案是(imo)编写内部函数GetStreamA()GetStreamB() ,并像PdfA() / PdfB()PdfSpider一样使用它们

private MemoryStream GetStreamA() {
  return GetSamplePdf("A");

public ActionResult PdfA() {
  return Json(GetStreamA().GetBuffer(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

// ...
// Same for PdfB()/GetStreamB()
// ...

public ActionResult PdfSpider() {
  var streamA = GetStreamA();
  var streamB = GetStreamB();
  // ... 

(This is what @bgs264 meant in his comment, I think ...) (我想这就是@ bgs264在他的评论中的意思……)

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