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[英]Check if any word in the list present in string python

I have nearly 50k documents in a mongo collection somewhat like this: 我在mongo集合中有将近5万个文档,如下所示:

{"title":"sample title sample title",
 "content":"test content test content",
           "replyContent":"sample reply content test"

and I have an array of words something like this: 我有一系列这样的单词:

wordArr = ["sample","test"]

I need to match if any word form wordArr present in my collection of document. 我需要匹配文档集合中是否存在任何单词形式wordArr。 I have to iterate over each document from the collection and have to search if any of the word given in array id present in either of the fields ie title , content and replyContent 我必须遍历集合中的每个文档,并且必须搜索是否在任何字段(即title,content和replyContent)中存在的数组ID中给出的任何单词

The following should work assuming your mongo collection is in a dictionary (sorry I have no experience with mongo collections. 假设您的mongo集合在词典中,以下内容应该可以工作(对不起,我没有mongo集合的经验。

dict = {"title":"sample title sample title",
        "content":"test content test content",
        "reply":{"replyContent":"sample reply content test"}

wordArr = ["sample","test"]

for word in wordArr:

    for key, value in dict.iteritems():

        if word in value:
            print 'Word: `%s` present in `%s`: %s' % (word, key, value)

        if key=='reply':
            for key2,value2 in value.iteritems():
                print 'Word `%s` present in `%s`: %s' % (word, key2, value2)

This will give you the following output: 这将为您提供以下输出:

> python test.py
Word `sample` present in `replyContent`: sample reply content test
Word: `sample` present in `title`: sample title sample title
Word: `test` present in `content`: test content test content
Word `test` present in `replyContent`: sample reply content test

If you just want to return True or False: 如果只想返回True或False:

d = {"title": "sample title sample title",
     "content": "test content test content",
     "reply": {
         "replyContent": "sample reply content test"

word_set = {"sample", "test"}
def is_present(d, st):
    for v in d.values():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            for val in d.values():
                if any(word in st for s in val for word in s.split()):
                    return True
            if any(word in word_set for word in v.split()):
                return True
    return False


If you have arbitrary levels of nesting you might need a nested approach 如果您有任意级别的嵌套,则可能需要嵌套方法

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