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[英]SQL - The multi-part identifier could not be bound

I have an SQL query that I am trying to edit. 我有一个要编辑的SQL查询。 It returns the error : 它返回错误:

"The multi-part identifier "i.LastPurPrc" could not be bound." “无法绑定多部分标识符“ i.LastPurPrc”。 when I try to add a column 'Amount1'. 当我尝试添加列“ Amount1”时。 (Error on 2nd line of query code) (查询代码第二行出现错误)

The query: 查询:

Select a.Itemcode, max(a.Dscription) as ItemName,
sum(a.OpeningBalance) as OpeningBalance, sum(a.OpeningBalance) * i.LastPurPrc AS 'Amount1', sum(a.INq) as 'IN', sum(a.OUT) as OUT,
((sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq)) - sum(a.OUT)) as Closing,
(Select i.InvntryUom from OITM i 
Where i.ItemCode = a.Itemcode) as UOM
(Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, (sum(N1.inqty)-sum(n1.outqty))
as OpeningBalance, 0 as INq, 0 as OUT 
from dbo.OINM N1
Where N1.DocDate < '04-01-2015' and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02' 
Group By N1.Warehouse,N1.ItemCode,
Union All 
Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance,
sum(N1.inqty), 0 as OUT 
from dbo.OINM N1 
Where N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015' and N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015'
and N1.Inqty > 0 and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02' 
Group By N1.Warehouse, N1.ItemCode, N1.Dscription
Union All 
Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance, 0 , sum(N1.outqty) as OUT
From dbo.OINM N1 
Where N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015' and N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015' and N1.OutQty > 0
and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02' 
Group By N1.Warehouse,N1.ItemCode,N1.Dscription) a, dbo.OITM I1
where a.ItemCode = I1.ItemCode
Group By a.Itemcode Having sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq) + sum(a.OUT) > 0 Order By a.Itemcode

How do I solve this? 我该如何解决?

Your i table is in a subselect, you cannot reference that table in the outer field list. 您的i表位于子选择中,因此无法在外部字段列表中引用该表。

You would need to join the table instead of adding it as a subselect to be able to reference it. 您需要加入表,而不是将其添加为子选择才能引用它。

Since you are grouping by itemid you should probably also sum it. 由于您是按itemid分组的,因此您可能还应该对其进行汇总。

Since we have no demo data I'm not sure how many IUOM records there are for each itemid, but if that's a 1:1 this should work. 由于我们没有演示数据,因此我不确定每个itemid有多少IUOM记录,但是如果该比例为1:1,则应该可以。 If not you'll have to join to an aliassed query instead of the table itself. 如果不是,则必须加入别名查询而不是表本身。

SELECT a.Itemcode
    ,max(a.Dscription) AS ItemName
    ,sum(a.OpeningBalance) AS OpeningBalance
    ,sum(a.OpeningBalance) * sum(i.LastPurPrc) AS 'Amount1'
    ,sum(a.INq) AS 'IN'
    ,sum(a.OUTPUT) AS OUTPUT
    ,((sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq)) - sum(a.OUTPUT)) AS Closing

    SELECT N1.Warehouse
        ,(sum(N1.inqty) - sum(n1.outqty)) AS OpeningBalance
        ,0 AS INq
        ,0 AS OUTPUT
    FROM dbo.OINM N1
    WHERE N1.DocDate < '04-01-2015'
        AND N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
    GROUP BY N1.Warehouse


    SELECT N1.Warehouse
        ,0 AS OpeningBalance
        ,0 AS OUTPUT
    FROM dbo.OINM N1
    WHERE N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015'
        AND N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015'
        AND N1.Inqty > 0
        AND N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
    GROUP BY N1.Warehouse


    SELECT N1.Warehouse
        ,0 AS OpeningBalance
        ,sum(N1.outqty) AS OUTPUT
    FROM dbo.OINM N1
    WHERE N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015'
        AND N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015'
        AND N1.OutQty > 0
        AND N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
    GROUP BY N1.Warehouse
    ) a

ON i.itemcode = a.itemcode
ON  a.ItemCode =I1.ItemCode

GROUP BY a.Itemcode
HAVING sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq) + sum(a.OUTPUT) > 0
ORDER BY a.Itemcode

You should also try formatting your queries and indenting them better. 您还应该尝试格式化查询并使其缩进更好。 It would help you spot the logic better. 这将帮助您更好地发现逻辑。 If it's inherited code just pull it through any online sql formatter, I use poorsql 如果它是继承的代码,只需通过任何在线sql格式化程序将其拉出,我就使用poorsql

Also you should no longer use old-style joins 另外,您不应该再使用旧式联接

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