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[英]eclim not doing autocompletion in vim

I installed eclim and started running the eclipse headless server, as I was coding with Vim 当我用Vim编码时,我安装了eclim并开始运行eclipse无头服务器。

Now i went to vim , and typed this, 现在我去vim ,然后输入


It displays this, 它显示此,

eclim 2.4.1
eclipse 4.4.0

Then i did a validation too, 然后我也做了验证


and it give the right output, 它给出正确的输出,

Result: OK, required settings are valid.

But then when i try using its autocompletion feature, by say this 但是当我尝试使用其自动完成功能时,可以这样说

System.<ctl + x><ctl + u>

It does absolutely nothing. 它绝对不做任何事情。 No code completion occurs. 没有代码完成。

I need help, as to why it is not working, 我需要帮助,关于为什么它不起作用,

my classpath file for java project is this, 我的java项目的classpath文件是这个,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/java"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>

I was just getting used to eclim so the java class code is this 我刚刚习惯了eclim,所以java类代码是这样

package org.test;

public class TestMain
    public static final void main(String[] args) {
        System.  // I am just not able to get any autocompletion after that . 

My project tree is this, 我的项目树是这个

|-- bin
|   `-- org
|       `-- test
|           `-- TestMain.class
`-- src
    `-- java
        `-- org
            `-- test
                |-- TestMain.java
                `-- TestMain.java~

Okay, I guess i solved my problem. 好吧,我想我解决了我的问题。 In my case it was an issue which I just could not figure out why it does not work, but i figured out how it should work. 就我而言,这是一个我无法弄清楚为什么它不起作用的问题,但是我知道了它应该如何起作用。

I think it might be coz I have YouCompleteMe installed, but I had to override the default autocompletion stored in eclim by additing the below piece of line in .vimrc . 我认为可能是因为我安装了YouCompleteMe ,但是我不得不通过在.vimrc以下代码来覆盖存储在eclim中的默认自动完成功能。

let g:EclimCompletionMethod = 'omnifunc'

Now this works perfectly as eclim registers with omnifunc linked to youcompleteme(YCM) and then all of it happens in realtime. 现在,当eclim注册到与youcompleteme(YCM)链接的omn​​ifunc时它就可以完美地工作,然后所有这些实时发生。

Hope this case helps someone. 希望这种情况能对某人有所帮助。 I could not find a single place where this collision between YCM and eclim was explained, and had to figure it all out myself. 我无法找到一个地方来解释YCM和eclim之间的这种冲突,因此必须自己解决所有问题。

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