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[英]Bulk Data extraction to DB File in C#

I have Huge data say 45,00,000 rows of data in notepad file , 我有大量数据说记事本文件中有45,000万行数据,
I split that gaint file into small files, 我把那个获取的文件分割成小文件,
I have the data as follows: 我的数据如下:

and so on

Now i am reading the files one by one and using the insert script and a piece of C# code I am writing them to a .mdf file , but when i get some error I am unable to find where the error is and i want to start from beginning and insert from row 0. 现在我正在逐个读取文件,并使用插入脚本和一段C#代码将它们写入.mdf文件,但是当我遇到一些错误时,我无法找到错误所在,我想开始从头开始并从第0行插入。
Is there any best way or code or tool to do this My code looks like this 有没有最好的方法或代码或工具来执行此操作我的代码如下所示

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int i = 0;
            string const_state = "INSERT INTO Authors1 VALUES";
            string conn = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=c:\users\srikanth\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\SampleDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30";
            SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(conn);
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
            cmd.Connection = cn;
            string line;

            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Public\\New1.txt");
            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Trim();
                line = line.TrimEnd(',', ',',',', '.');
                cmd.CommandText = const_state + line+";";

        catch(Exception ex)


} }

Thanks in Advance 提前致谢

What I would do is having a try/catch block for your ExecuteNonQuery() call. 我要做的是为您的ExecuteNonQuery()调用添加一个try/catch块。 Something like this: 像这样:

        while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
            line = line.Trim();
            line = line.TrimEnd(',', ',',',', '.');
            cmd.CommandText = const_state + line+";";
                // dump cmd.CommandText somewhere as well as 
                // the actual exception details
                // that'll give you two things: 1) the specific 
                // issue, and 2) the actual INSERT statement that 
                // failed

See my comments in the catch { } block on how I would handle an INSERT error catch { }块中查看有关如何处理INSERT错误的评论

By having the try/catch around the ExecuteNonQuery() call, you'll have the granular issue on which INSERT statement failed, as well as the particular exception with the error. 通过具有try/catch周围ExecuteNonQuery()调用,你必须在上的颗粒问题INSERT语句失败,以及与错误的特定异常。 The other benefit to this is it would allow you to continue execution instead of bubbling that exception up to the outer try/catch logic. 这样做的另一个好处是,它将允许您继续执行而不是将异常冒泡到外部try/catch逻辑。 Unless, of course, you want to stop execution, in which case you can just rethrow the exception from the inner catch { } block. 当然,除非您要停止执行,否则可以从内部catch { }块中抛出异常。 It all depends on how you want a failure handled. 这完全取决于您要如何处理故障。

Note: for your outer try/catch block, you should include a finally { } where you call SqlConnection.Dispose() to release the connection and dispose of the object ( cn.Dispose() ). 注意:对于外部try/catch块,应包括一个finally { } ,在其中调用SqlConnection.Dispose()以释放连接并处置对象( cn.Dispose() )。

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